Acquiring, organizing, making accessible, and preserving information and data, including faculty archives, university records, theses/dissertations, and other output created by the university, is the library’s reason-for-being.
Paper Submitted to ARN Envisioning the Future as Critical Partners in Data-Driven Science Workshop
Plain text files created by extracting OCR'ed text (no cleanup) from PDFs comprising the Lucy Schultz Archive of historic textbooks on English, composition, and rhetoric.
With the several changes happening every day in societies and in thoughts say knowledge challenges are increasing day by day which is to be faced by business as well as other organizations. To tackle these challenges many tactics are implemented and are in process to further improve. Handling of these challenges requires a system under which one can work and let adaptation to the changes can be done smoothly. Today majority of business organizations have a knowledge management program in one or another form. Indian business organizations are also feeling the need for new business paradigms. Knowledge management is a systematic process for creating, acquiring, synthesizing, learning, sharing and using knowledge and experience to achieve organizational goals. This paper “Handling Knowledge in Indian Information Technology (IT) Organizations” underscores Knowledge Management practices in business organizations at main cities in India. Papers site an overview of the techniques and also include future improvements that can be done to ameliorate the efficiency of Knowledge Management System.
This figure compares optional and required metadata fields for data sets for four institutional repositories -UC, U Michigan, U Minnesota, and Oregon State
In this paper, I study how general technology users perceive the dark web. In this study,
I conducted research on what these users know about dark web technologies, activities,
content, and how their perceptions changed after a first-hand experience on dark web
marketplaces and sites. I aimed to tackle myths and misconceptions that users had about the
dark web and present new data in order to educate and bring awareness to the dark web to
those who may never have the opportunity or reason to come upon this information on their
own. It is my hope that the findings of this paper and the experiences of the participants will
foster the spread of knowledge and awareness to both the threats and benefits that the dark
web contributes to society.
Abstract: Can a library support an overseas program with a full-time librarian position? Can this position provide distant services successfully through e-learning techniques, social media and other methods? The answer is yes. As many American universities enroll students through a shared or global campus, librarians can play a vital role as the primary information and library services provider. The University of Cincinnati (UC) and Chongqing University, China (CQU) established the first shared engineering programs in China with mandatory co-operative education, the Joint Co-op Institute (JCI), in 2013. Students primarily receive on-campus instruction in China from JCI instructors; however, no UC librarian is onsite to provide dedicated support. In response, UC Libraries developed the new Global Services Librarian position as the lead presence for support of the Libraries’ growing global engagement and partnerships, especially with the JCI. This Librarian provides a full range of services, mostly at a distance, including instruction, outreach, and faculty support. This presentation will describe the development of the Global Services Librarian position, its roles in supporting the JCI, lessons learned in the first year of this position, and how this role could be adapted for other library environments.
If your organization is interested in establishing and developing a joint international program in
China, it is inevitable to face both manageable risks and unpredictable changes. There are
mainly three types of challenges.
● Political impact on travel and visa application: the 2017 re-election in China and
leadership change in the United States affect how efficient for both sides to visit each
other and stay for work.
● Technology restriction on teaching and communication: While the fast internet speed
and open internet are taken for granted in the US, technological difficulties in China can
be a barrier for effective teaching and communication.
● Censorship: In China, censorship is always a challenge, especially in the current state.
Be proactive to work effectively within the constraints.
The presenter is intended to share some experience and best practice based on a successful
joint institute between University of Cincinnati and Chongqing University. As the first coop based
program in China, the program continues to be a leading model in international engineering