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A System of English Grammar: constructed upon the basis of Murray's Grammar, and adapted to the use of schools, academies, and private learners
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Murray's English Exercises : consisting of exercises in parsing ; instances of false orthography ; violations of the rules of syntax ; defects in punctuation ; and violations of the rules respecting perspicuous and accurate writing. With which the corresponding notes, rules, and observations in Murray's grammar are incorporated ; also references in promiscuous exercises to the rules by which the errours are to be corrected
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The Illustrated Composition Book: Containing Directions, Subjects, and Blank Leaves for Composition
3 of 10
A Primary English Grammar in Familiar Conversations, interspersed with object teaching, inductive and synthetic; presenting to the learner an easy mode of gradual combination; and; at every step, reducing theory to practice: containing also copious analytic exercises
4 of 10
English Grammar: a simple, concise, and comprehensive manual of the English Language: Designed for Use of Schools, Academies, and as a book for General Reference in the Language
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Primary English Grammar: Introductory to the manual of the English Language
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English Composition and Rhetoric: A Manual: American Edition, Revised
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English Composition and Rhetoric: A Manual
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English Composition and Rhetoric: Enlarged Edition: Part First: Intellectual Elements of Style
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A Grammar of the English Language: explained according to the principles of truth and common sense, and adapted to the capacities of all who think
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