This dataset contains quantitative and qualitative data about the archaeological remains of fish-salting and fulling workshops throughout the ancient Mediterranean world (Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia), primarily dating to the Roman period. The data provided the basis for the two case studies in the author's dissertation (Motz, C.F. 2021. "The Knowledge Networks of Workshop Construction in the Roman World." Ph.D. diss., University of Cincinnati).
The tables contained in this dataset were exported from the author's FileMaker database. Detailed information about the structure and contents of this dataset may be obtained by consulting Chapter 2 of the author's dissertation.
This set of PDF documents represent a series of forms used by the Post Bronze Age team at Troy during the years 1989-1996. This set contains only the forms used for post-excavation analysis of the small finds.
This compressed file contains the GIS files used for the DRAP project in shape file format. There is a Documentation folder with a ReadMe file that contains information about opening the documents as well as notes on their creation and conversion.
There is a file included that will allow opening all of the files in ArcMap (v 10.1 tested) and QGIS (v 2.4 tested) but the data files themselves can be opened in whatever GIS software one chooses that can read ESRI shape file format.
A 3D model in PLY format, created from photogrammetry of the seated female figure, approached by a small woman signet ring associated with the Griffin Warrior Grave at Pylos, Greece, excavated in 2015.
This ring was published in Jack L Davis and Sharon R Stocker, "The Lord of the Gold Rings: The Griffin Warrior of Pylos," Hesperia 85 (2016) 627-655; Ring 4. The article is available at
The model can be opened in any 3d viewer/editor capable of importing a .ply file. MeshLab is free, open source, and available for Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android. These files can be imported into MeshLab (
As better models become available, they will be added to this archive.
Permission for re-use should be addressed to
Note that the licensing model is only for the model itself. The artifact is the property of the Greek government.
A 3D model in PLY format, created from photogrammetry of the bull and bull-leaper signet ring associated with the Griffin Warrior Grave at Pylos, Greece, excavated in 2015.
This ring was published in Jack L Davis and Sharon R Stocker, "The Lord of the Gold Rings: The Griffin Warrior of Pylos," Hesperia 85 (2016) 627-655; Ring 1. The article is available at
The model can be opened in any 3d viewer/editor capable of importing a .ply file. MeshLab is free, open source, and available for Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android. These files can be imported into MeshLab (
As better models become available, they will be added to this archive.
Permission for re-use should be addressed to
Note that the licensing model is only for the model itself. The artifact is the property of the Greek government.
A 3D model in PLY format, created from photogrammetry of the female figure with a staff flanked by two birds signet ring associated with the Griffin Warrior Grave at Pylos, Greece, excavated in 2015.
This ring was published in Jack L Davis and Sharon R Stocker, "The Lord of the Gold Rings: The Griffin Warrior of Pylos," Hesperia 85 (2016) 627-655; Ring 3. The article is available at
The model can be opened in any 3d viewer/editor capable of importing a .ply file. MeshLab is free, open source, and available for Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android. These files can be imported into MeshLab (
As better models become available, they will be added to this archive.
Permission for re-use should be addressed to
Note that the licensing model is only for the model itself. The artifact is the property of the Greek government.
A 3D model in PLY format, created from photogrammetry of the female figures flanking a shrine signet ring associated with the Griffin Warrior Grave at Pylos, Greece, excavated in 2015.
This ring was published in Jack L Davis and Sharon R Stocker, "The Lord of the Gold Rings: The Griffin Warrior of Pylos," Hesperia 85 (2016) 627-655; Ring 2. The article is available at
The model can be opened in any 3d viewer/editor capable of importing a .ply file. MeshLab is free, open source, and available for Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android. These files can be imported into MeshLab (
As better models become available, they will be added to this archive.
Permission for re-use should be addressed to
Note that the licensing model is only for the model itself. The artifact is the property of the Greek government.
One half of the field notebook for Team B for the Durrës Regional Archaeological Project (DRAP). Data from this field notebook were entered into the project database. This records the condition of the tracts walked including environmental data, as well as sketches describing the tract and artifact counts.
One half of the field notebook for Team A for the Durrës Regional Archaeological Project (DRAP). Data from this field notebook were entered into the project database. This records the condition of the tracts walked including environmental data, as well as sketches describing the tract and artifact counts.
One half of the field notebook for Team A for the Durrës Regional Archaeological Project (DRAP). Data from this field notebook were entered into the project database. This records the condition of the tracts walked including environmental data, as well as sketches describing the tract and artifact counts.