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The Lucille M. Schultz 19th Century Composition Archive
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The Lucille M. Schultz 19th Century Composition Archive
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A System of English Grammar: constructed upon the basis of Murray's Grammar, and adapted to the use of schools, academies, and private learners
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Murray's English Exercises : consisting of exercises in parsing ; instances of false orthography ; violations of the rules of syntax ; defects in punctuation ; and violations of the rules respecting perspicuous and accurate writing. With which the corresponding notes, rules, and observations in Murray's grammar are incorporated ; also references in promiscuous exercises to the rules by which the errours are to be corrected
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The Illustrated Composition Book: Containing Directions, Subjects, and Blank Leaves for Composition
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A Primary English Grammar in Familiar Conversations, interspersed with object teaching, inductive and synthetic; presenting to the learner an easy mode of gradual combination; and; at every step, reducing theory to practice: containing also copious analytic exercises
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English Grammar: a simple, concise, and comprehensive manual of the English Language: Designed for Use of Schools, Academies, and as a book for General Reference in the Language
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Primary English Grammar: Introductory to the manual of the English Language
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English Composition and Rhetoric: A Manual: American Edition, Revised
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English Composition and Rhetoric: A Manual
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English Composition and Rhetoric: Enlarged Edition: Part First: Intellectual Elements of Style
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A Grammar of the English Language: explained according to the principles of truth and common sense, and adapted to the capacities of all who think
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Inductive Grammar Designed for Beginners
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Inductive Grammar Designed for Beginners
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Bullions's School Grammar: With Practical Lesson and Exercises in Composition and Analysis.
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Practical Lessons in English Grammar and Composition for Young Beginners: being an introduction to "the principles of English grammar," with copious exercises, and directions for their use
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Progressive Exercises in Analysis and Parsing containing selections in prose and poetry, with directions and notes; adapted to Bullions' English Grammars
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The Principles of English Grammar: comprising the substance of the most approved English Grammars extant, with copious exercises in parsing and syntax
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The Culture of the Observing Faculties in the Family and the School: or, Things About Home and How to make them Instructive to the Young
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Elements of English Grammar: Synthetic and Analytic: Designed for the Use of Schools, Academies, and Private Learners
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Burtt's Primary Grammar of the English Language, Designed for the Use of Schools and Private Learners
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Introduction to Rhetoric
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A New System of English Grammar: by the study of which youths and adults may become accomplished grammarians in three or four months, without the aid of a teacher
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Manual for Teachers to Accompany Prang's Aids for Object-Teaching: Trades and Occupations
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The Correspondence of Samuel Parker
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Elements of Rhetoric and English Composition: First and Second High School Courses
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Exercises in Rhetoric and English Composition
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Introduction to English Composition
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A Grammar of the English Language: Adapted to the Schools of America
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Chesterfield's Art of Letter-Writing Simplified. Being a guide to friendly, affectionate, polite and business correspondence, containing a large collection of the most valuable information relative to the art of letter-writing, with clear and complete instructions how to begin and end correspondence, rules for punctuation and spelling, &c. To which is appended the complete rules of etiquette, and the usage of society : containing the most approved rules for correct deportment in fashionable life, together with hints to gentlemen and ladies on irregular and vulgar habits, also, the etiquette of love and courtship, marriage etiquette, &c.
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The Teaching of English: in the Elementary and the Secondary School
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A Practical Grammar: in which words, phrases, and sentences are classified according to their offices; and their various relations to one another, illustrated by a complete system of diagrams
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Letters from Queer and Other Folk: A Manual for Teachers
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A Grammar of the English Language: in a series of letters; intended for the use of schools and of young persons in general, but more especially for the use of soldiers, sailors, apprentices and plough-boys: to which are added six lessons, intended to prevent statesmen from using false grammar, and from writing in an awkward manner, with notes by Robert Waters
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An Improved Grammar of the English Language for the use of Schools and Academies
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English Grammar: made easy to the teacher and pupil. Originally compiled for the use of west-town boarding school, Pennsylvania
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Freshman English and Theme-Correcting in Harvard College
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Elements of Rhetoric: Designed as a Manual of Instruction
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A Practical Introduction to English Rhetoric: Precepts and Exercises
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Analysis, Parsing and Composition: With Direct References to the Common School Grammar of Dr. Bullions's Series. Also Adapted to Any Correct Grammar of the English Language
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Composition Writing: A Practical Guide, Containing Model Lessons and Hints to Teachers and Pupils
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The Art of English Composition
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The Art of Discourse: A System of Discourse Adapted for use in Colleges and Academies, and also for Private Study
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The Young Composer: A Guide to English Grammar and Composition
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Rhetorical Praxis: The Principles of Rhetoric Exemplified and Applied in Copious Exercises for Systematic Practice, Chiefly in the Development of the Thought: Revised Edition with addition of Lexical and Grammatical Praxis
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Elements of the Art of Rhetoric: Adapted for use in Colleges and Academies, and also, for Private Study
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The Elementary Principles of English Grammar: accompanied by appropriate exercises in parsing. With an appendix
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Language Lessons: Book One
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The Youth's Letter-Writer: or The Epistolary Art made Plain and Easy to Beginners, through the example of Henry Moreton
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A Comprehensive Grammar: Presenting some new views of the structure of language; designed to explain all the relations of words in English syntax and make the study of grammar and composition one and the same process
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A Grammar of the English Language
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Introduction to Theme-Writing
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