Arts and Sciences
删除限定条件 学: Arts and Sciences
University of Cincinnati
删除限定条件 出版者: University of Cincinnati
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Zone 8 looking west toward head of valley and site 003
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Zone 8 looking west toward head of valley and site 003
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Watercolor of red-figured jug by Mervete Dajlani of the Archaeological Museum of Durrës.
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Watercolor of red-figured jug by Mervete Dajlani of the Archaeological Museum of Durrës.
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Water trap on terrace in Tract A077.
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Water trap on terrace in Tract A077.
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Washing pots at the end of the first day of fieldwalking.
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Washing pots at the end of the first day of fieldwalking.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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