This program is meant to batch process ELISA standard curve data to generate Levey-Jennings control charts and report values that fall outisde of 2 and 3 standard deviations of the mean. The Instruction Manual contains a detailed guide on usage.
The diagnosis of sarcoidosis is made by the combination of clinical features and biopsy results. The clinical features of sarcoidosis can be quite variable. We developed a Sarcoidosis Diagnostic Score (SDS) to summarize the clinical features of possible sarcoidosis patients. Biopsy confirmed sarcoidosis patients seen during a seven-month time period at the University of Cincinnati Sarcoidosis clinic were prospectively identified. Non-sarcoidosis patients seen at the same clinic were used as controls. Using a modified WASOG organ assessment instrument, we scored all patients for presence of biopsy, one or more highly probable symptom, and one or more at least probable symptom for each area. Two sarcoidosis scores were generated: SDS biopsy (with biopsy) and SDS clinical (without biopsy).The 980 evaluable patients were divided into two cohorts: an initial 600 patients (450 biopsy confirmed sarcoidosis, 150 controls) to establish cut-off values for SDS biopsy and SDS clinical and a validation cohort of 380 patients (103 biopsy confirmed sarcoidosis patients and 277 controls). The best cutoff value for SDS biopsy was > 6 (sensitivity =99.3%; specificity=100%). For the total the 980 patients, an SDS clinical > 3 had a sensitivity of 94.2%, specificity of 88.8%, and a likelihood ratio of 7.9. An SDS clinical score > 4 had a lower sensitivity of (76.9%) but higher specificity (98.6%). For sarcoidosis, the presence of specific clinical features, especially multi-organ involvement, can enhance the diagnostic certainty. The SDS scoring system quantitated the clinical features consistent with sarcoidosis.
Published in CHEST Journal 2018
Oral presentation at the 2018 American Thoracic Society Conference