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Solely Magnetic Genetic/Fuzzy-Attitude-Control Algorithm for a CubeSat
1 of 43
An Efficient Genetic Fuzzy Approach to UAV Swarm Routing
2 of 43
Autonomous Control of a Quadrotor UAV using Fuzzy Logic
3 of 43
Genetic Algorithm Based Simulation–optimization For Fighting Wildfires
4 of 43
A Market-based Solution to the Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem
5 of 43
Enhancement of a tuned mass damper for building structures using fuzzy logic
6 of 43
Use of XFOIL in Design of Camber-Controlled Morphing UAVs
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Fuzzy Logic Unmanned Air VehicleMotion Planning
8 of 43
Nonlinear estimation of transient flow field low dimensional states using artificial neural nets
9 of 43
PD and Fuzzy Logic Control for Earthquake Resilient Structures
10 of 43
Market-Based Solution to the Allocation of Tasks to Agents
11 of 43
Filtered POD-based low-dimensional modeling of the 3D turbulent flow behind a circular cylinder
12 of 43
Cooperative Control of Multiple Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring and FightingWildfires
13 of 43
Multi-Agent Maze Exploration
14 of 43
Spatially Distributed Forcing and Jet Vectoring with a Plasma Actuator
15 of 43
Introduction: Enhancing Intelligence in Aerospace Systems
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Low-dimensional modelling of a transient cylinder wake using double proper orthogonal decomposition
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Experimental estimation of a D-shaped cylinder wake using body-mounted sensors
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Numerical Simulations of a Feedback-Controlled Circular CylinderWake
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A heuristic approach to effective sensor placement for modeling of a cylinder wake
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Closed-loop approaches to control of a wake flow modeled by the Ginzburg–Landau equation
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Effective Sensor Placements for the Estimation of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Mode Coefficients in von Kármán Vortex Street
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Feedback Control of a Cylinder Wake Low-Dimensional Model
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Closed-Loop Vectoring Control of a Turbulent Jet Using Periodic Excitation
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Vibration Control Using Fuzzy-Logic-Based Active Damping
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Flutter Supression Using Linear Optimal and Fuzzy Logic Techniques
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Experimental Studies on Adaptive Fuzzy Control of a Smart Structure
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Active control of flexible structures using a fuzzy logic algorithm
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Control of Linear Second-Order Systems by Fuzzy Logic-Based Algorithm
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Model-Independent Vibration Control of Flexible Beam-Like Structures Using a Fuzzy Based Adaptation Strategy
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An Adaptive Fuzzy Control Algorithm for Model-Independent Active Vibration Damping of Flexible Beam-Like Structures
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Passive Damping Augmentation for Vibration Suppression in Flexible Latticed Beam-Like Space Structures
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Genetic Fuzzy based Artificial Intelligence for Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle Control in Simulated Air Combat Missions
33 of 43
Spatio-temporal Estimation Of Wildfire Growth
34 of 43
Integration of Computations and Experiments for Flow Control Research With Undergraduate Students
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Comparison of Approximate Approaches to Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem and its Application to UAV Swarming
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Fuzzy Logic Based Intelligent Agents for Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle Control
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Genetic Fuzzy Trees and their Application Towards Autonomous Training and Control of a Squadron of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles
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Spatio-temporal estimation of wildfire growth
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Optimal Fireline Generation for Wildfire Fighting in Uncertain and Heterogeneous Environment
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Fuzzy logic control applications for second order problems with low damping
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A Formulation and Heuristic Approach to Task Allocation and Routing of UAVs under Limited Communication
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A Hierarchical Market Solution to the Min–Max Multiple Depots Vehicle Routing Problem
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