This microsatellite dataset was constructed using eight microsatellite loci with 270 individual samples, representing wild population of Euonymus fortunei in Ohio, Kentucky, Kansas, and Minnesota. Also represented are multiple individuals from several Euonymus cultivars and also wild E. alatus (burning bush) from Ohio. This database is published as Elam RJ and Culley TM (2023) Genetic Analysis of Invasive Spread of Euonymus fortunei (Wintercreeper), a Popular Ornamental Groundcover. Invasive Plant Science and Management.
This Poster describes a collaborative research project between the Culley and Tepe labs in the UC Department of Biology and UC Libraries Digital Scholarship Center presented at the 2017 UC Data Day ( The project explores publication patterns of research involving hotspot areas of biodiversity and if researchers from developing countries which tend to have most of the biodiversity hotspots, are adequately represented as authors in the scientific literature indexed in Scopus (TM-Elsevier), JSTOR, and PubMed.