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Cut blocks from B203 and B201. The smaller one is from B201 and the larger from B203.
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Cut blocks from B203 and B201. The smaller one is from B201 and the larger from B203.
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Cut blocks from B203 and B201. The smaller one is from B201 and the larger from B203.
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Cut blocks from B203 and B201. The smaller one is from B201 and the larger from B203.
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Cut blocks from B203 and B201. The smaller one is from B201 and the larger from B203.
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Cut blocks from B203 and B201. The smaller one is from B201 and the larger from B203.
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Cut blocks from B203 and B201. The smaller one is from B201 and the larger from B203.
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Cut blocks from B203 and B201. The smaller one is from B201 and the larger from B203.
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Cut blocks from B203 and B201. The smaller one is from B201 and the larger from B203.
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Eroded scarps producing pottery in B036/B037.
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Eroded scarps producing pottery in B036/B037.
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From road by B201, panorama of N ridge of Zone 5.
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From road by B201, panorama of N ridge of Zone 5.
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From road by B201, panorama of N ridge of Zone 5.
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From road by B201, panorama of N ridge of Zone 5.
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From road by B201, panorama of N ridge of Zone 5.
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From road by B201, panorama of N ridge of Zone 5.
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Panorama from above B176 looking N to E. Zone 7.
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Panorama from above B176 looking N to E. Zone 7.
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Panorama from above B176 looking N to E. Zone 7.
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