Habitat: sandstone gorges and ravines with healock/hardwood coves, upland hardwood stands, floodplain, pine stands; soil at base of maple tree
Locality: Crane Hollow Nature Preserve (crane Hollow) S of Gibisonville and N of Conkle's Hollow State Nature Preserve, bordered on the E by OH 374 and W by Cream Ridge Rd.
Habitat: deep sandstone and bluffs, large shelter cave; seepy sandstone ledge
Locality: Hocking Hills State Park region, Cantwell Cliffs area S of Bloomingville Quad
Habitat: sandstone gorges and ravines with hemlock/hardwood coves, upland hardwood stands, floodplains, pine stands; seepy wet sandstone
Locality: Sheick Hollow State Nature Preserve, paralleling Hockman Rd. (twp rd. 238) between Gibisonville and Conkle's Hollow State Nature Preserve, off OH 374
Habitat: sandstone bluffs and gorges hemlock/hardwood caves, floodplains, upland mixed hardwood forests, pine forests; wet seepy soil
Locality: Lake Katharine State Nature Preserve, W of Jackson
Habitat: narrow sandstone box canyon with floodplain, upland woods, hemlock/hardwood coves; sandstone boulder
Locality: Conkle's Hollow State Nature Preserve, Big Pine Rd. E of OH 374, between OH 678 and 664, Hocking Hills State Park Region
Habitat: sandstone bluffs and gorges hemlock/hardwood caves, floodplains, upland mixed hardwood forests, pine forests; sandstone
Locality: Crane Hollow Nature Preserve (Crane Hollow, Inc.) S of Gibsonville and N of Conkle's Hollow State Nature Preserve, E of OH 374 and W of Cream Ridge Road
Habitat: sandstone bluffs and gorges, hemlock/hardwood coves, floodplains, upland nixed hardwood forests, pine forests; wet sandstone
Locality: Crane Hollow Nature Preserve (Crane Hollow) S of Gibisonville St. N of Conkle's Hollow State Nature Preserve, E of 374 Cream Ridge Road
Habitat: sandstone gorges and ravines with hemlock/hardwood coves, upland hardwood stands, floodplains, pine stands, above small falls at headwater
Locality: Sheick Hollow State Nature Preserve, paralleling Hockman Rd. (twp rd. 238) between Gibisonville and Conkle's Hollow State Nature Preserve, off OH 374
Habitat: sandstone bluffs and gorges, hemlock/hardwood coves, floodplains, upland mixed hardwood forests, pine forests; thin soil over sandstone
Locality: Crane Hollow Nature Preserve (Crane Hollow, Inc.) S of Gibsonville and N of Conkle's Hollow State Nature Preserve, E of OH 374 and W of Cream Ridge Road