The UK has created one of the best tools for mitigating Huawei’s risks. Whether or not the UK Huawei ban stands, its Huawei Cyber Security Evaluation Centre should receive increased funding and support to protect and enhance its interests at home and abroad.
The current debates revolving around 5G, Huawei, and how they are resolved, are highly visible indicators of the technology based shifts in the global order which are setting the tone for the 21st century. Currently, it seems that many in the US and the PRC are using Cold War and Thucydides Trap paradigms, with a zero-sum mentality. At least in the case of 5G technology, the UK seems to have taken a more nuanced approach.
This article comes as the UK prepares its new National Cyber Security Strategy, reviewing the 5G and cyber security debates surrounding Huawei in a highly interdisciplinary manner, and directing readers to a rich variety of resources. In addition to its analysis of issues and solutions often absent from the discourse, this article’s feature contribution is the argument that the UK can be more than an example of a middle way. Specifically, if the UK scales up and internationalizes its Huawei Cyber Security Evaluation Center, perhaps by creating an International Cyber Security Evaluation Center, it can lead its allies and the world in 5G, 6G, cybersecurity, and international relations, filling a vital leadership vacuum.