1889 copyrighted text. The author is credited as Teacher of Rhetoric in the Richmond High Schools, Richmond, VA. A practical treatise on rhetoric for the lower grades of high school. Includes a discussion of simple, complex, and compound sentences, as students still need this review of grammar (in part because their grammar instruction has been analytical rather than synthetical). Lessons include a section of reproduction and a section of development. The Reproductions furnishes material for practice of the discussed principles. The Developments section is a more advanced step, giving play to the imagination by supplying the details of a connected story, while also serving as a test of style. Chapters cover kinds of sentences, paragraphing, variety of expression, style, figures of speech, special properties of style, paraphrasing, kinds of prose composition, prosody and versification, and poetry. The Schultz Archive copy includes the preface, TOC, a few scattered pages, and pages 309 – 335 on prose composition.