1896 printing of 1889 copyrighted text. Author is credited with a Master of Arts, (of) Ohio State University, and as the author of several other texts on various subjects. A manual for school work that is a sequel to ordinary grammar textbooks and an introduction to rhetoric. For a composition course that develops critical literary taste, habits of systematic investigation, and the power of expressing a train of thought in appropriate language. Subjects are progressive in arrangement and exercises are graduated. The exercises cover kinds of discourse: descriptive, narrative, and discursive. Paraphrasing, reproduction from memory, classification of thoughts, topical analysis, summarizing, punctuation, letter writing, and versification are also covered. The author credits the influence of Meiklejohn, Dagleish, Armstrong, Hiley, Reid, Monfries, Murison, Brewer, Laurie, Isbister, Leitch, Bardeen, Southworth, and Goddard. The Schultz Archive copy is roughly the complete 204 page text.