1894 printing of 1890 copyrighted text. Revised and enlarged edition. Author is credited with a B.A. and as editor of Goldsmith's "Deserted Village," Cowper's "Task," etc. Preface (dated 1891) states text addresses lack of texts that ably deal with the theoretical part of composition and offer a sufficient amount of practice. It proceeds on the simple method of laying down a few principles at a time and then illustrating them with a variety of exercises. Chapters cover: the sentence, punctuation, style (diction, formation of sentences, construction of paragraphs), variety of expression, figures of speech, qualities of style (perspicuity, picturesqueness, force, pathos, the ludicrous, the aesthetic), letters, the plan, kinds of discourse, versification, correcting compositions, and proof-reading and marking. The Schultz Archive copy is roughly the complete 338 page text.