1909 printing of text copyrighted in 1877, 1885, 1896, and 1909. Reed is credited with a Master of Arts and as Formerly Instructor in English Grammar in the Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn. Kellogg is credited with a Doctor of Laws of English degree and as Formerly Dean of the Faculty and Professor of the English Language and Literature in the Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn. Publishers' note attests to the widespread use and popularity of the text. The preface states the book traces the easy steps and natural development of the sentence, beginning with the leading facts and then descending to details. The preface also connects the study of the sentence to the laws of discourse, translation, discipline, paragraphs, and the text's use of diagrams. The Schultz Archive copy contains preface, authors' note to the edition of 1896, and pages 374 – 442, which cover lessons in composition and the index.