A 3rd order theory of folding of viscous multilayers indicates that forms of folds are controlled by the behavior of layer contacts or interbeds, the relative stiffnesses of the multilayer and confining media, and the scale of the folding. A 2nd order analysis shows that asymmetry of folds is determined largely by the behavior of layer contacts and the sense of layer-parallel shear during folding.
The Fruit of Chardin is a video symphony following a group of friends who meet in the evening to eat, party, explore the city, and make video and music together. Includes rare footage of Subterranean Video and an interview with video artist Nam June Paik, who discusses the meaning of Fluxus.
This first 16mm film made after graduate school, and also my last. Coyote Tracks culminates my interest in Semiotics and the exploration of cinema as a linguistic system. Each shot represents a single “pictograph” in a sentence describing a narrative journey. Shot in New Mexico and featuring a cast of old friends.
The principal, as a key leadership person in the staff development program, must know how to facilitate staff development in the school, particularly in the areas of instruction, shared decision making and management of change. Most principals are not prepared for, nor do they understand their role in staff development for all school personnel. Effective staff development requires comprehensive training for principals in order to prepare them for leadership roles in the schools (Wood, 1980).
I solve boundary-value problems for an idealized thrust block moving over a detachment surface and ramp, and produce theoretical bed-duplication folds in the thrust block that closely resemble the Powell Valley anticline in the southern Appalachian Mountains. The anticline is narrow and rounded if the translation is small, and broad and flat-topped if the translation is large. The limbs of the anticline are symmetric if drag is zero. Drag along the ramp part of the detachment surface can explain the asymmetry of dips of the two limbs of the Powell Valley anticline, particularly if drag between relatively competent rocks in opposition at the ramp causes an initial anticline to form as the thrust block begins to move, and then drag reduces markedly as relatively soft shales at the base of the block were thrust over competent rocks in the ramp.