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Stylistic Trends In Late 20th Century Russian Choral Music.
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A National Survey Of Teachers Trained In Image Processing For Teaching.
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Regulation Of The Beta Adrenergic Pathway In Cardiac Dysfunction And Hypertrophy.
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Compositional Variation In Cincinnatian Mudstone Communities (Upper Ordovician Of Ohio, Indiana And Kentucky): Implications For Coordinated Stasis.
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A Drying Model of a Vibro-Separator
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Morphological Diversity Of The Brachiopod Platystrophia Through Changing Paleoenvironments In The Cincinnatian Series (Upper Ordovician)
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Gore, Al. Response letter to Simpson from Vice President Al Gore tif
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Gore, Al. Response letter to Simpson from Vice President Al Gore .tif
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Abdelkebir Khatibi lu par Jacques Derrida: du bilinguisme au monolinguisme de l’autre
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Reading Social Consciousness in Claribel Alegría’s Early Poetry
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Cincinnati Romance Review: Volume 18 (1999)
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El caballero de la invicta: la parodia discursiva como manifestación posmoderna en la narrativa colombiana contemporánea
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Camilo José Cela’s Mazurca para dos muertos: Why Mazurka?
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Not so Dutiful Daughters: Women and Their Fathers in Three French Medieval Works: Le Roman de Silence, Erec et Enide and Le Livre de la Cité des Dames
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Masculinidad natural y masculinidad autoconsciente en Don Segundo Sombra y El reino de este mundo
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Trajectoire sociale, honte et écriture (Annie Ernaux)
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The City and The Country in Later Years: Luis Landero’s Juegos de la Edad Tardía
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Lieu de mémoire, Lieu de créolité: The Plantation as Site of Memory
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Alegorías de la retórica en las Capitulaciones de Santa Fe
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The Erotic Spectacle of Identity Crises: Streetwalking Mannequins Cruise the 1938 International Surrealist Exhibition
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Desafíos a la censura: decodificando la referencialidad en Pedro, Juan y Diego
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S(t)imulating Pleasure: The Female Body in Sade’s Les infortunes de la vertu and Thérèse Philosophe
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Subversive Supplementation: Calderón’s La Devoción de la Cruz
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The Geography of Authorship in the Encyclopédie: Jaucourt’s Literary Landscapes
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Del desprecio del pueblo a su conquista: un estudio de los personajes como ilustración de las concepciones ideológicas de Rómulo Gallegos
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“Et maintenant, mesdames et messieurs, le spectacle va commencer”: l’espace théâtral dans trois films de Jean Renoir
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Técnicas cinematográficas en tres cuentos de Horacio Quiroga
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Exile in the Forest: Rite of Passage in Sony Labou Tansi’s La vie et demie
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Girl Trouble: Gender Gaps in Isaac Chocrón’s Toda una dama
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The Turdy Madonna: Religion and the Novel in George Sand and Samuel Beckett
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Between Translations: Mario Vargas Llosa’s El hablador
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When Bakhtin Meets Descartes: Monologism, Dialogism and the Construction of Knowledge in the Discours de la Méthode
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Idealización y deconstrucción del ideal caballeresco: Sacarus, el caballero ideal en la Crónica sarracina
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A Liquid Air of Apocalypse: The End(s) of Music in Proust and Sartre
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El sí de las hermanas: La escritura y lo intelectual en la obra de Teresa de Cartagena y Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
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