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The Imaginary Real in Three Short Stories by Armonía Somers
1 of 10
La versión y la subversión de la mujer en Luz y sombra y Dolores de Soledad Acosta de Samper
2 of 10
The Role of Memory in Post-Dictatorial Argentine Jewish Fiction: Manuela Fingueret’s Hija del Silencio
3 of 10
Threading Layers of Memory into Family Trees: Family Collective Memory and Jewish Memory by Two Contemporary Latin American Writers
4 of 10
The Cantigas de Santa María, New Characters for a New Literature
5 of 10
Censura y autoncensura en la escritura femenina de la Edad Media y del Siglo de Oro
6 of 10
Le visible et I’invisible dans Quartier Mozart, un film de Jean-Pierre Békolo
7 of 10
Community, Carnival. and the Colonial Legacy in Ousmane Sembène’s Xala
8 of 10
Le Zaïmph métamorphique: objet et reification dans Salammbô, de Flaubert
9 of 10
Inscriptions of Dante’s Beatrice in Germaine de Staël's Corinne
10 of 10