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Cincinnati Romance Review: Volume 40 (2016): Special Issue: Circum-Caribbean Poetics / Poéticas Circum-Caribeñas
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Circum-Caribbean Poetics: Tracing Black Atlantic Routes in the Américas
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Poéticas Circum-Caribeñas: Rastreando las raíces negras atlánticas en las Américas
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The Nicaribbeans: African-Descended Writers in Nicaragua
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“Follow Me” and “My Footsteps in Baraguá”: Caribbean Influences in Afro-Cuban Women’s Film and Literature
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“Give me back my black dolls”: Damas’s Aframérind’: Mapping the Trans-Caribbean, Transgender and Trans-Atlantic Other
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Cosmopolitanism, Transnationality and Glocality in Junot Díaz’s Characters
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La construcción de las mujeres en La casa de los espejos de Quince Duncan
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Poética de la liberación en Shirley Campbell Barr
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Expanding Definitions of Caribbean Identity through Contemporary Panamanian Fiction by Melanie Taylor Herrera
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Interview with the Nicaraguan director María José Álvarez about her Movie Lubaraun
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The Creole Poets of Nicaragua
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The Tower of the Antilles
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No Angels Died at Green Bay
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Sentencia del infierno
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Selección de poemas
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The Magical Negro Speaks
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Selección de poemas
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