This figure compares optional and required metadata fields for data sets for four institutional repositories -UC, U Michigan, U Minnesota, and Oregon State
This data set describes the Mann-Whitney U test statistical analysis of the completeness profile for data sets in four institutional repositories. It is a derivative data set from the master data set entitled "Metadata of data sets from four institutional repositories"
This data set measures the number of keywords associated with data sets in four institutional repositories. It is a derivative data set from the master data set entitled "Metadata of data sets from four institutional repositories"
This data set measures whether data sets in four institutional repositories have digital object identifiers or not. It is a derivative data set from the master data set entitled "Metadata of data sets from four institutional repositories"
This data set describes the type and number of documentation that accompany and describe data sets in four institutional repositories. It is a derivative data set from the master data set entitled "Metadata of data sets from four institutional repositories"
This data set describes the percent completeness of metadata options for data sets in four institutional repositories. It is a derivative data set from the master data set entitled "Metadata of data sets from four institutional repositories"
Please use the Citation:
Koshoffer, A., Neeser, A., Johnston L.R., and Newman L.D., (2018) "Giving datasets context: a comparison study of institutional repositories that apply varying degrees of curation", International Digital Curation Conference, Barcelona, Spain. Digital Curation Centre.
This data set is the raw data underlying the paper entitled "Giving datasets context: a comparison study of institutional repositories that apply varying degrees of curation" presented at the International Digital Curation Conference in Barcelona, Spain (Feb 2018). All figures and tables in the publication were based on the analysis of this data set.
Please use the Citation:
Koshoffer, A., Neeser, A., Johnston L.R., and Newman L.D., (2018) "Giving datasets context: a comparison study of institutional repositories that apply varying degrees of curation", International Digital Curation Conference, Barcelona, Spain. Digital Curation Centre.