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- 摘抄:
- A description of the history of Russian cabaret in Berlin between the wars. It discusses the Russian artists and actors who worked in the Blue Bird Cabaret and the Russian Romantic Theater.
- 作者:
- Konecny, Mark
- 提交者:
- Mark Konecny
- 上传日期:
- 03/06/2016
- 更改日期:
- 08/08/2016
- 创建:
- 2009
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- A sage expression, you make the road by walking, captures the nature of accompaniment in partnership development. The purpose of this action research project was to examine the partnership of a city school and an urban university as one that engaged mutual generation of knowledge from all participants. Action research, where participants are co-equals in decision-making, enhances the co-construction of knowledge and applied practice when stakeholders work to achieve more practical goals. Two high school co-instructors and a university faculty member examined what initially brought them together – a classroom instructional need. While designing and implementing an investigation of the use of class instructional time, they simultaneously conducted a self-study action research project about the dynamics of their partnership and how to improve it. Critical interviews revealed challenges to integrating research findings into practice as well as convergent benefits of partnership development that may be relevant to partnerships of all kinds. Key Terms: Action research, collaboration, collaborative organizations, mode 2 knowledge creation, partnership development, research-practice gap
- 作者:
- Kroeger, Stephen; Kraus, Timothy, and Bernie, Jaime
- 提交者:
- Stephen Kroeger
- 上传日期:
- 02/08/2016
- 更改日期:
- 07/27/2016
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- One proactive approach to increasing student engagement in schools is implementing Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) strategies. PBIS focuses on prevention and concentrates on quality-of-life issues that include improved academic achievement, enhanced social competence, and safe learning and teaching environments. This study is a replication of a study that investigated the combination of active supervision, precorrection, and explicit timing. The purpose of the study was to decrease student problem behavior, reduce transition time, and support maintenance of the intervention in the setting. Results show that active supervision, precorrection, and explicit timing decreased student problem behavior, decreased the duration of transitions in two instructional periods, and the intervention was maintained in the setting. Implications, limitations, and future research are discussed. Keywords: active supervision, explicit timing, Positive Behavior Intervention and Support, precorrection, urban education
- 作者:
- Kroeger, Stephen and Haydon, Todd
- 提交者:
- Stephen Kroeger
- 上传日期:
- 02/08/2016
- 更改日期:
- 08/11/2016
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- The purpose of this study was to define and examine the IASB’s governance network. The IASB’s governance network was bound to include 14 organisational members and 407 individual actors. I used social network methodology to examine the professional and geographic perspectives represented as well as the extent to which the governance network was structurally embedded. It was found that the network forms a definable hierarchy that exhibits qualities of structural embeddedness. Banking interests were more embedded within the governance network than any other professional, academic, or social group. Also, a strong Western influence was detected. The societal benefit of this effort was to engage society in general and accounting researchers in particular in hopes of encouraging discourse about regulatory processes with both macro and micro consequences.
- 作者:
- Goedl, Patricia
- 提交者:
- Patricia Goedl
- 上传日期:
- 06/01/2017
- 更改日期:
- 06/01/2017
- 创建:
- 2012
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- There is good news for those who desire to live in stable racially integrated neighborhoods in Hamilton County. Starting with the 1970 Census, racial segregation declined modestly in the City of Cincinnati and to a smaller extent in suburban areas of the county. This occurred as, over the three decades from 1970 to 2000, an increasing number of communities found blacks and whites living together on the same blocks. Indeed, at the 2000 Census, about one-quarter of Hamilton County communities were racially integrated by the measures used in this study. Moreover, starting with the 1980 Census, fourteen of those communities have maintained stable racial integration. This is in sharp contrast to the results of a 1984 study that found few racially integrated neighborhoods between 1940 and 1980, and that those that did exist generally did so only as neighborhoods changed from largely white to largely black. This news is also in sharp contrast to newspaper accounts of the 2000 Census that reported that “Cincinnati” remained one of the most racially segregated cities in the country. However, many of these reports confused the City of Cincinnati with the much larger Cincinnati Primary Statistical Metropolitan Area, which ranked the 8th or 9th most segregated metropolitan area in the country depending on the study. In actuality, the City of Cincinnati ranked 67th most segregated among 245 cities with populations over 100,000.
- 作者:
- Casey-Leininger, Charles and Green, Erinn L.
- 提交者:
- Charles Casey-Leininger
- 上传日期:
- 09/24/2015
- 更改日期:
- 09/24/2015
- 创建:
- 2007
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Lloyd C. Engelbrecht (born 1927) is Professor Emeritus of Art History at the University of Cincinnati. He is author of Moholy-Nagy: Mentor to Modernism (Cincinnati: Flying Trapeze Press, 2009), two volumes. Moholy-Nagy: Mentor to Modernism is the first comprehensive, fully documented biography of the most fully-rounded creative figure of the twentieth century. This introductory essay was originally published in German in 2014 in the Beiheft, or supplementary volume, that accompanies the first German edition of Vision in Motion. Bibliography László Moholy-Nagy, Sehen in Bewegung, Deutsche Fassung von László Moholy-Nagys vision in motion in der Übersetzung von Herwig Engelmann [on verso of title page: “Mit einem Beiheft mit Texten von Lloyd C. Engelbrecht, Hattula Moholy-Nagy und Philipp Oswalt”] (Leipzig: Spector Books, 2014) László Moholy-Nagy, Vision in Motion, “id BOOK, INSTITUTE OF DESIGN” (Chicago: Paul Theobald, 1947)
- 作者:
- Engelbrecht, Lloyd C.
- 提交者:
- Lloyd C. Engelbrecht
- 上传日期:
- 12/10/2015
- 更改日期:
- 12/10/2015
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Lloyd C. Engelbrecht (born 1927) is Professor Emeritus of Art History at the University of Cincinnati. He is author of Moholy-Nagy: Mentor to Modernism (Cincinnati: Flying Trapeze Press, 2009). He will supply addenda and corrigenda for this book on a continuing basis.
- 作者:
- Engelbrecht, Lloyd C.
- 提交者:
- Lloyd C. Engelbrecht
- 上传日期:
- 07/07/2016
- 更改日期:
- 07/07/2016
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Lloyd C. Engelbrecht (born 1927) is Professor Emeritus of Art History at the University of Cincinnati. He is author of Moholy-Nagy: Mentor to Modernism (Cincinnati: Flying Trapeze Press, 2009).
- 作者:
- Engelbrecht, Lloyd C.
- 提交者:
- Lloyd C. Engelbrecht
- 上传日期:
- 07/07/2016
- 更改日期:
- 07/07/2016
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- In urban middle schools, educators find it challenging to meet the literacy needs of the many struggling readers in their classrooms, including language-minority (LM) learners and students from low-income backgrounds. One strategy for improving these students' reading comprehension is to teach essential academic vocabulary in a meaningful, engaging, and systematic way. This article describes the development and evaluation of an academic vocabulary curriculum for sixth-grade mainstream classrooms with large numbers of LM learners who struggle with comprehension. In a study conducted in 21 sixth-grade classrooms, the curriculum was found to be effective both in improving students' vocabulary and reading comprehension and in supporting teachers' learning about how to teach academic vocabulary. Seven universal learnings for all classrooms are described and illustrated with specific examples of activities, perspectives from teachers, and insights from students, drawn from the study.
- 作者:
- Lesaux, Nonie K.; Kelley, Joan G.; Faller, S. Elisabeth (Beth), and Kieffer, Michael J.
- 提交者:
- S. Elisabeth (Beth) Faller
- 上传日期:
- 08/23/2017
- 更改日期:
- 08/23/2017
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- The present study aims to advance the extant research base by evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of an academic vocabulary program designed for use in mainstream middle school classrooms with high proportions of language minority learners. The quasi-experimental, mixed-methods study was conducted in 21 classes (13 treatment matched to 8 control) in seven middle schools in a large district, with 476 sixth-grade students (346 language minority learners, 130 native English speakers). Classroom observations and teacher logs indicated the 18-week program was implemented with good fidelity and that the approach contrasted sharply with the standard district English language arts (ELA) curriculum. Multilevel modeling indicated that the program resulted in significant effects on several aspects of vocabulary knowledge, including meanings of taught words (d = 0.39; p < .0001), morphological awareness (d = 0.20; p = .0003), and the word meanings as presented in expository text (d = 0.20; p = .0227). The program also yielded marginally significant, but promising effects on a depth of word knowledge measure (d = 0.15; p =0.0830) and a norm-referenced measure of reading comprehension (d = 0.15; p = .0568). No effects were found on a norm-referenced vocabulary measure. These effects were comparable for language minority learners and their native-English-speaking classmates. Data from teachers shed light on the challenges of meeting students' diverse instructional needs and the roles of curriculum and professional networks in building instructional capacity. The findings show promise in developing effective multifaceted vocabulary instruction for implementation by ELA teachers in middle school classrooms with high numbers of language minority learners.
- 作者:
- Lesaux, Nonie K.; Kelley, Joan G.; Faller, S. Elisabeth (Beth), and Kieffer, Michael J.
- 提交者:
- S. Elisabeth (Beth) Faller
- 上传日期:
- 08/23/2017
- 更改日期:
- 10/02/2017
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- The alternative education field lacks a common definition and has a major divide between the differing philosophies of alternative programs; little empirical evidence is available to identify the components necessary to create effective alternative educational programs. Tremendous growth in the availability of alternative programs in the United States over the past several decades, however, illustrates continuing demand for such programs as well as the need for research on the characteristics that constitute effective alternative programs. In this article, the authors study exemplary alternative programs in 3 racially and economically diverse communities to characterize the school climate as viewed by the students and the staff. At this relatively early stage in the field of alternative education, it is essential to examine the similarities, as well as any differences, in the social climate of highly effective alternative programs and to consider their potential relationship with student academic and behavioral success. Furthermore, it is important to recognize how these findings might be one foundation for future inquiry and research on alternative education. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
- 作者:
- Tonelson, Steven W.; Magee Quinn, Mary; Gable, Robert A.; Faller, S. Elisabeth (Beth), and Poirier, Jeffery M.
- 提交者:
- S. Elisabeth (Beth) Faller
- 上传日期:
- 08/23/2017
- 更改日期:
- 08/23/2017
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- With online instructors incorporating more synchronous technologies in distant composition courses, there is perhaps a mounting tendency to perceive asynchronous methods as obsolete. Synchronous courses more easily replicate the experiences of face-to-face courses, which appeals to many composition instructors. However, by utilizing a dynamic approach that includes contributions from the college library and tutoring center, asynchronous methodologies still have a place in online composition, particularly if instructors utilizing these methodologies seek to reconceptualize modes of instruction for the online realm instead of merely recreating them. Ultimately, the collaborative dynamic of our support approach has instilled new possibilities in asynchronous online instruction, possibilities that help students grow as writers even if they are separated by stretches of transactional distance. Copyright © Sharon Burns, Joseph Cunningham, Katie Foran-Mulcahy. This article first appeared in CEA Critic 76:1 (2014), 114-131. Reprinted with permission by Johns Hopkins University Press.
- 作者:
- Foran-Mulcahy, Katie; Burns, Sharon, and Cunningham, Joseph
- 提交者:
- Katie Foran-Mulcahy
- 上传日期:
- 09/30/2016
- 更改日期:
- 09/30/2016
- 创建:
- 2014
- 证书:
- Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Martin Buber is one of the luminaries of modern Jewish thought, and yet prior to 1944 his work was little known in the Anglophone world as few of his books had been translated into English. In 1933, Buber asked Adolph Oko, the Librarian of the Hebrew Union College (H.U.C.) in Cincinnati, Ohio to help him find a publishers for his work. The correspondence about securing a publisher between Buber and Oko eventually expanded to include the theologian Abraham Joshua Heschel (then teaching at H.U.C.) and the historian Hans Kohn, a former student of Buber who was now a refugee teaching in the U.S.
- 作者:
- Krome, Frederic
- 提交者:
- Frederic Krome
- 上传日期:
- 10/17/2016
- 更改日期:
- 05/23/2019
- 创建:
- 2002
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Throughout much of his career the Anglo-Jewish historian Cecil Roth visited the U.S. and lectured to American Jewish students. Indeed, his first academic appointment was as a visiting professor at the Jewish Institute in Religion in New York City, and he was a regular teacher at the summer institutes of the Intercollegiate Menorah Society. Yet, he only wrote one short article (in 1963) that focused exclusively on American Jewish history, which was commissioned by Jacob Rader Marcus, the “Dean of American Jewish Historians.” An examination of Roth’s correspondence over a thirty plus year period reveals that his discussions of the nature and purpose of Jewish history was largely shaped by his relationship with American Jewry.
- 作者:
- Krome, Frederic
- 提交者:
- Frederic Krome
- 上传日期:
- 10/17/2016
- 更改日期:
- 05/23/2019
- 创建:
- 2006
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- After the liberation of North Africa, in 1943, it was discovered by policy makers within the Grand Alliance that both the British and Americans were in the process of making documentary films about the Operation Torch campaign. Fearful that separate films would highlight potential dissension with the Anglo-American alliance, the director Frank Capra was dispatched to London to coordinate his U.S. Army documentary with his British counter-parts. Instead of a smooth process, the joint film project bogged down in inter-service and inter-allied rivalry’s that delayed the completion of Tunisian Victory for over a year.
- 作者:
- Krome, Frederic
- 提交者:
- Frederic Krome
- 上传日期:
- 10/18/2016
- 更改日期:
- 05/23/2019
- 创建:
- 1996
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Remembered today as one of the great popularizers of Jewish history, in the inter-war year the Anglo-Jewish historian Cecil Roth was unable to secure an academic appointment until 1939. As such he turned to writing popular history as a means of support, and while some academic historians discounted his work (then and now), an examination of Roth’s correspondence with individuals such Henry Hurwitz of the Intercollegiate Menorah Society, reveal that Roth worked assiduously to develop an approach to history that would be both academically sound and “useful” to those readers who wanted to understand the contours of Jewish life.
- 作者:
- Krome, Frederic
- 提交者:
- Frederic Krome
- 上传日期:
- 10/18/2016
- 更改日期:
- 05/23/2019
- 创建:
- 2001
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- In an effort to promote an image of Allied unity on the eve of Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of Western Europe, a Joint Anglo-American Film Commission was established with the goal of making a series of short documentaries on the liberation of the continent. Unfortunately, despite the prior planning, the plans for a series of joint films fell victim to competing ideologies about how to showcase the allied campaign. In an effort to salvage the situation the American film maker George Stevens was brought in to make a single long documentary, highlighting the campaign from D-Day to VE-Day. The resulting film, The True Glory, won an Oscar for best documentary of 1945, but in fact was the result of a failure of Allied film propaganda policy.
- 作者:
- Krome, Frederic
- 提交者:
- Frederic Krome
- 上传日期:
- 10/19/2016
- 更改日期:
- 05/23/2019
- 创建:
- 1998
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- The foreground Veil of material that lies in front of the Orion Nebula is the best studied sample of the interstellar medium because we know where it is located, how it is illuminated, and the balance of thermal and magnetic energy. In this work, we present high-resolution STIS observations toward the Trapezium, with the goal of better understanding the chemistry and geometry of the two primary Veil layers, along with ionized gas along the line of sight. The most complete characterization of the rotational/vibrational column densities of H2 in the almost purely atomic components of the Veil are presented, including updates to the Cloudy model for H2 formation on grain surfaces. The observed H2 is found to correlate almost exclusively with Component B. The observed H2, observations of CI, CI*, and CI**, and theoretical calculations using Cloudy allow us to place the tightest constraints yet on the distance, density, temperature, and other physical characteristics for each cloud component. We find the H2 excitation spectrum observed in the Veil is incompatible with a recent study that argued that the Veil was quite close to the Trapezium. The nature of a layer of ionized gas lying between the Veil and the Trapezium is characterized through the emission and absorption lines it produces, which we find to be the blueshifted component observed in S III and P III absorption. We deduce that, within the next 30–60 thousand years, the blueshifted ionized layer and Component B will merge, which will subsequently merge with Component A in the next one million years.
- 作者:
- Abel, Nicholas
- 提交者:
- Nicholas Abel
- 上传日期:
- 12/01/2016
- 更改日期:
- 12/01/2016
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
Reading and Writing as Scientists? Text Genres and Literacy Practices in Girls' Middle-Grade Science
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Science teachers are often charged with providing discipline-specific literacy instruction. However, little is known about the reading and writing genres, or text types, typically found in these classrooms. In particular, there is a lack of knowledge about what opportunities adolescents have to engage with the genres privileged in science to learn the discipline's specialized ways of making meaning and communicating knowledge. This article reports on a case study of the reading and writing genres found within four middle-grade science classrooms in one small all-female school. Results suggest that although a variety of text genres were present, there was little discussion of how and why science content was presented in particular ways. Notably, students also had far more opportunities to read than write extended nonfiction. Teachers can cultivate a more reciprocal relation between reading and writing in science by using genres that students read as models for their writing.
- 作者:
- Faller, S. Elisabeth (Beth)
- 提交者:
- S. Elisabeth (Beth) Faller
- 上传日期:
- 09/11/2017
- 更改日期:
- 07/03/2018
- 创建:
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Cincinnati's struggle for fair housing has been a long and often contested one. A handful of neighborhoods in the Queen City and its metropolitan area are now stably racially integrated and more seem likely to join that number in the near future. Yet there is much more work to be done, as the metropolitan area as a whole remains one of the most segregated in the nation.
- 作者:
- Casey-Leininger, Charles
- 提交者:
- Charles Casey-Leininger
- 上传日期:
- 09/29/2017
- 更改日期:
- 09/29/2017
- 证书:
- Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Several constitutive theories have been proposed in the literature to model the viscoelastic response of soft tissue, including widely used rheological constitutive models. These models are characterized by certain parameters (“time constants”) that define the time scales over which the tissue relaxes. These parameters are primarily obtained from stress relaxation experiments using curve-fitting techniques. However, the question of how best to estimate these time constants remains open. As a step towards answering this question, we develop an optimal experimental design approach based on ideas from information geometry, namely Fisher information and Kullback-Leibler divergence. Tissue is modeled as a standard linear solid and described using a one- or two-term Prony series. Treating the time constants as unknowns, we develop expressions for the Fisher information and Kullback-Leibler divergence that allow us to maximize information gain from experimental data. Based on the results of this study, we propose that the largest time constant estimated from a stress relaxation experiment for a linear viscoelastic material should be at most one-fifth of the total time of the experiment in order to maximize information gain.
- 作者:
- Kumar Vemaganti and Sandeep Madireddy
- 提交者:
- Kumar Vemaganti
- 上传日期:
- 10/11/2017
- 更改日期:
- 10/11/2017
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- The study of the propagation of multiple cracks is essential to modeling and predicting structural integrity. The interaction between two cracks depends on a number of factors such as the domain geometry, the relative crack sizes and the separation between the two crack tips. In this paper, we study the interaction between two dynamically propagating cracks. We use the phase field method to track the crack paths, since this method can handle complex crack behavior such as crack branching, without any ad hoc criteria for crack evolution. The results from our dynamic simulations indicate that, unlike crack inter- action under quasi-static or fatigue loading, the presence of another crack does not accelerate crack propagation when dynamic loads are applied. However, some similarities in the crack topologies are observed for both quasi-static and dynamic loading.
- 作者:
- Kumar Vemaganti and Sai Deogekar
- 提交者:
- Kumar Vemaganti
- 上传日期:
- 10/11/2017
- 更改日期:
- 10/11/2017
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Lloyd C. Engelbrecht (born 1927) is Professor Emeritus of Art History at the University of Cincinnati. In collaboration with his late wife, June-Marie F. Engelbrecht (1930-2009), he has been researching, writing about and speaking about architect and designer Henry C. Trost (1860-1933) and his family firm of Trost & Trost. On May 8, 2014, Lloyd Engelbrecht was invited to speak at the University of Texas at El Paso as part of a Trost symposium. The following is an excerpt from the official announcement of the symposium: In celebration of Trost’s architectural legacy, UTEP Special Collections will host the “Trost Lecture Series” at 6 p.m. May 8 [2014] in the UTEP Library, Blumberg Auditorium, room 111. The event will feature speakers Dr. Troy Ainsworth, executive director of El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro Trail Association (CARTA); Joe and Lanna Duncan, owners of the Trost-designed El Capitan Hotel in Van Horn, Texas and El Paisano Hotel in Marfa, Texas; and Dr. Lloyd Engelbrecht, co-author of Henry C. Trost: Architect of the Southwest. A public exhibit featuring family photos, sketches, blueprints and photographs of the buildings Trost designed in El Paso and throughout the Southwest will be on display May 10 in the UTEP Library’s atrium on the third floor. The lecture and exhibit were part of Trost Week, May 3-10, 2014, which was organized by the Texas Trost Society, a new nonprofit group that advocates for the preservation of Trost & Trost architecture.
- 作者:
- Engelbrecht, Lloyd C.
- 提交者:
- Lloyd C. Engelbrecht
- 上传日期:
- 06/12/2015
- 更改日期:
- 09/17/2015
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Hyperelastic constitutive models of soft tissue mechanical behavior are extensively used in applications like computer-aided surgery, injury modeling, etc. While numerous constitutive models have been proposed in the literature, an objective method is needed to select a parsimonious model that represents the experimental data well and has good predictive capability. This is an important problem given the large variability in the data inherent to soft tissue mechanical testing. In this work, we discuss a Bayesian approach to this problem based on Bayes factors. We propose a holistic framework for model selection, wherein we consider four different factors to reliably choose a parsimonious model from the candidate set of models. These are the qualitative fit of the model to the experimental data, evidence values, maximum likelihood values, and the landscape of the likelihood function. We consider three hyperelastic constitutive models that are widely used in soft tissue mechanics: Mooney-Rivlin, Ogden and exponential. Three sets of mechanical testing data from the literature for agarose hydrogel, bovine liver tissue, porcine brain tissue are used to calculate the model selection statistics. A nested sampling approach is used to evaluate the evidence integrals. In our results, we highlight the robustness of the proposed Bayesian approach to model selection compared to the likelihood ratio, and discuss the use of the four factors to draw a complete picture of the model selection problem.
- 作者:
- Madireddy, Sandeep; Vemaganti, Kumar, and Sista, Bhargava
- 提交者:
- Kumar Vemaganti
- 上传日期:
- 01/21/2015
- 更改日期:
- 05/23/2019
- 创建:
- 2015-01-21
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- This paper uses multilevel modeling of Hamilton County individual travel activity data.
- 作者:
- Wang, Shujie and Kim, Changjoo
- 提交者:
- Changjoo Kim
- 上传日期:
- 02/02/2015
- 更改日期:
- 05/23/2019
- 创建:
- 2015-02-02
- 证书:
- Attribution-NoDerivs 4.0 International
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Members of the fungal genus Pneumocystis colonize healthy mammalian hosts without causing apparent disease, but colonization in immunocompromised hosts may result in a potentially fatal pneumonia known as Pneumocystis pneumonia. Although Pneumocystis are fungi, this genus has characteristics that make it atypical among other fungi. Pneumocystis do not appear to synthesize the major fungal sterol, ergosterol, and biochemical analyses have shown that they utilize cholesterol rather than ergosterol as the bulk sterol. Pneumocystis carinii appears to scavenge exogenous sterols, including cholesterol, from its mammalian host. As a result, it has long been held that their ability to scavenge cholesterol from their hosts, and their inability to undergo sterol biosynthesis, makes them resistant to antifungal drugs that target ergosterol or ergosterol biosynthesis. However, genome scans and in vitro assays indicate the presence of sterol biosynthetic genes within the P. carinii genome, and targeted inhibition of these enzymes resulted in reduced viability of P. carinii, suggesting that these enzymes are functional within the organism. Heterologous expression of P. carinii sterol genes, along with biochemical analyses of the lipid content of P. carinii cellular membranes, have provided an insight into sterol biosynthesis and the sterol-scavenging mechanisms used by these fungi.
- 作者:
- Grant, Tiffany
- 提交者:
- Tiffany Grant
- 上传日期:
- 04/14/2016
- 更改日期:
- 04/14/2016
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Organisms in the genus Pneumocystis are ubiquitous, opportunistic pathogenic fungi capable of causing a lethal pneumonia in immunocompromised mammalian hosts. Pneumocystis spp. are unique members of the fungal kingdom due to the absence of ergosterol in their cellular membranes. Although these organisms were thought to obtain cholesterol by scavenging, transcriptional analyses indicate that Pneumocystis carinii encodes gene homologs involved in sterol biosynthesis. To better understand the sterol pathway in these uncultivable fungi, yeast deletion strains were used to interrogate the function and localization of P. carinii lanosterol synthase (ERG7). The expression of PcErg7p in an ERG7-null mutant of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae did not alter its growth rate and produced a functional lanosterol synthase, as evidenced by the presence of lanosterol detected by gas chromatographic analysis in levels comparable to that produced by the yeast enzyme. Western blotting and fluorescence microscopy revealed that, like the S. cerevisiae Erg7p, the PcErg7p localized to lipid particles in yeast. Using fluorescence microscopy, we show for the first time the presence of apparent lipid particles in P. carinii and the localization of PcErg7p to lipid particles in P. carinii. The detection of lipid particles in P. carinii and their association with PcErg7p therein provide strong evidence that the enzyme serves a similar function in P. carinii. Moreover, the yeast heterologous system should be a useful tool for further analysis of the P. carinii sterol pathway.
- 作者:
- Grant, Tiffany
- 提交者:
- Tiffany Grant
- 上传日期:
- 04/14/2016
- 更改日期:
- 04/14/2016
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- The previous study for which this one serves as an update concluded that there was good news for those who wished to live in racially integrated communities in Hamilton County. The news remains good. At the 2010 census, fifty-four suburban Hamilton County communities and Cincinnati neighborhoods, over one-third of the total, containing 45% of the total population of the county, were at least modestly racially integrated (Table 9).2 This continues trends that began as early as 1970 when seven communities achieved integration that persisted for at least forty years. At the 1980 census, twelve achieved racial integration that lasted for at least thirty years. And at the 1990 census, ten became integrated with that persisting for at least the next twenty years. Together, twenty-nine communities have remained racially integrated for at least twenty years. At the same time, the dissimilarity index (DI), a standard measure of residential integration, showed improved black/white integration for both the city of Cincinnati and Hamilton County as a whole (Table 1). Cincinnati’s DI dropped from 91.2 in 1950, its highest point, to 64.8 in 2010. Hamilton County’s DI dropped from 82.8 in 1980, the earliest for which we have data, to 71.3 in 2010. This means that increasing numbers of whites and blacks are living on the same blocks in a number of communities here. The desirability of these integrated neighborhoods has apparently remained steady over time. Although both the city and the county have lost population, the integrated neighborhoods have proportionally lost no greater population than the rest. Moreover, in the last decade, conventional wisdom to the contrary, several of the long-term integrated communities experienced increases in the white percentage of their population. When we looked at socio-economic conditions throughout the county as measured by seven indicators drawn from the census, we found a range of values for the integrated communities. Some are clearly in quite good shape and improving and some show signs of decay. On a scale that aggregates five of these indicators, integrated communities on the average fell between the values for the city of Cincinnati as a whole and for suburban Hamilton County. This is particularly good news as the declining economy has certainly hurt the African Americans population more than the rest of the population. Because of this, the integrated communities might be expected to show a greater decline than the rest of the county, and while some of them have been hurt, on the average, they seem to be holding their own in comparison to the rest of the county. Finally, the city of Cincinnati, which has long seen an increase in black population and a decrease in white population, in the 2000s saw a significant slow-down in the decline of white population and an actual decrease in black population. This suggests that the black/white ratio may stabilize in the city in the near future.
- 作者:
- Casey-Leininger, Charles
- 提交者:
- Charles Casey-Leininger
- 上传日期:
- 10/07/2014
- 更改日期:
- 08/10/2016
- 创建:
- 2011-10
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- In the spring of 2001 the hilly uplands immediately northwest of the modern city of Durres were for the first time investigated using the techniques of intensive surface survey. In total, an area of six square kilometers was explored and twenty-nine sites were defined, most of them new. Remains of Greek antiquity were plentiful and include unpublished inscriptions and graves. One site may be the location of a previously unknown Archaic temple. Included in this article are descriptions of the areas investigated, a list of sites, and a catalogue of the most diagnostic artifacts recovered. Patterns of settlement and land use are discussed and compared to those recorded by other surveys in Albania.
- 作者:
- Acheson, Phoebe E.; Pojani, Iris; Hoti, Afrim; Stocker, Sharon R.; Davis, Jack L.; Hayes, John W., and Wolpert, Aaron
- 提交者:
- John Wallrodt
- 上传日期:
- 10/08/2014
- 更改日期:
- 02/06/2017
- 创建:
- 2014-10-08
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Lloyd C. Engelbrecht (born 1927) is Professor Emeritus of Art History at the University of Cincinnati. His article, “Wood, Plywood and Veneer, Cranbrook, the New Bauhaus and the W. P. A.: the Origins of the Eames Chair of 1946,” had its origins in a paper presented at a symposium, “Bauhaus, New Bauhaus, W. P. A.: Chairs for Mid-Century,” October 17, 1981, at the Mid-America Conference of the College Art Association, meeting in Milwaukee. The article was expanded and eventually completed in 1987, but it was never published. The author asked that his late wife, June-Marie F. Engelbrecht (1930-2009), be given credit for her immense amount of help with the research and writing of the article.
- 作者:
- Engelbrecht, Lloyd C.
- 提交者:
- Lloyd C. Engelbrecht
- 上传日期:
- 10/15/2014
- 更改日期:
- 07/27/2016
- 创建:
- 2014-10-15
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Lloyd C. Engelbrecht (born 1927) is Professor Emeritus of Art History at the University of Cincinnati. This study guide was used to illustrate some of his classroom presentations and also on-site visits with his students to Prairie School buildings. This version of the study guide dates from May 10, 1994.
- 作者:
- Engelbrecht, Lloyd C.
- 提交者:
- Lloyd C. Engelbrecht
- 上传日期:
- 10/15/2014
- 更改日期:
- 07/27/2016
- 创建:
- 2014-10-15
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- An overview of Bonnie Cashin's life and work which led to the concept of lifestyle design in fashion during the mid to late 20th century, forming the foundation of contemporary sportswear design.
- 作者:
- Sarofeen, George
- 提交者:
- George Sarofeen
- 上传日期:
- 12/09/2014
- 更改日期:
- 05/23/2019
- 创建:
- 2014-12-09
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Description of a new web application to support collection development at University of Cincinnati Libraries.
- 作者:
- Van Mil, James and Crowe, Sean
- 提交者:
- Sean Crowe
- 上传日期:
- 06/30/2015
- 更改日期:
- 07/27/2016
- 创建:
- 2015-01
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- The archival profession has long attempted to define what constitutes a professional archivist. These debates over education, training, and certification have lasted decades, however few studies have been completed on how the employment market for archivists has changed in response to these professional challenges. This study looks at almost a thousand professional archivist job advertisements between late 2006 and early 2014 to understand the current prevailing recruitment criteria. It is broader in scope and time period than other recent studies. Overall, the market was determined to be mostly stable during the study period.
- 作者:
- Tansey, Eira
- 提交者:
- Eira Tansey
- 上传日期:
- 01/27/2016
- 更改日期:
- 01/27/2016
- 创建:
- 2015-06-05
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- This use case appears in Curating Research Data V2, an ACRL publication edited by Lisa R Johnston. Both volumes of the book are available as open access editions at the following link. http://www.ala.org/acrl/publications/booksanddigitalresources/booksmonographs/catalog/publications The use case examines the metadata contributed in a self-submission repository model and what changes were made in the metadata form to encourage researchers to contribute quality metadata.
- 作者:
- Koshoffer, Amy; Hansen, Carolyn, and Newman, Linda
- 提交者:
- Amy Koshoffer
- 上传日期:
- 01/30/2017
- 更改日期:
- 02/21/2017
- 创建:
- 2016-02-12
- 证书:
- Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- The problem of assigning a group of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to perform spatially distributed tasks often requires that the tasks will be performed as quickly as possible. This problem can be defined as the Min–Max Multiple Depots Vehicle Routing Problem (MMMDVRP), which is a benchmark combinatorial optimization problem. In this problem, UAVs are assigned to service tasks so that each task is serviced once and the goal is to minimize the longest tour performed by any UAV in its motion from its initial location (depot) to the tasks and back to the depot. This problem arises in many time-critical applications, e.g. mobile targets assigned to UAVs in a military context, wildfire fighting, and disaster relief efforts in civilian applications. In this work, we formulate the problem using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) and Binary Programming and show the scalability limitation of these formulations. To improve scalability, we propose a hierarchical market-based solution (MBS). Simulation results demonstrate the ability of the MBS to solve large scale problems and obtain better costs compared with other known heuristic solution.
- 作者:
- Sharma, Balaji R.; Cohen, Kelly; Ernest, Nicholas; Kumar, Manish, and Kivelevitch, Elad
- 提交者:
- Kelly Cohen
- 上传日期:
- 02/03/2017
- 更改日期:
- 04/05/2017
- 创建:
- 2014-01
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) teams are anticipated to provide surveillance support through algorithms, software, and automation. It is desirable to have algorithms that compute effective and efficient routes for multiple UAVs across a variety of missions. These algorithms must be realizable, practical, and account for uncertainties. In surveillance missions, UAVs act as mobile wireless communication nodes in a larger, underlying network consisting of targets where information is to be collected and base stations where information is to be delivered. The role of UAVs in these networks has primarily been to maintain or improve connectivity while undervaluing routing efficiency. Moreover, many current routing strategies for UAVs ignore communication constraints even though neglecting communication can lead to suboptimal tour designs. Generating algorithms for autonomous vehicles that work effectively despite these communication restrictions is key for the future of UAV surveillance missions. A solution is offered here based on a variation of the traditional vehicle routing problem and a simple communication model. In this work, the new routing formulation is defined, analyzed, and a heuristic approach is motivated and described. Simulation results show that the heuristic algorithm gives near-optimal results in real-time, allowing it to be used for large problem sizes and extended to dynamic scenarios.
- 作者:
- Cohen, Kelly; Sabo, Chelsea, and Kingston, Derek
- 提交者:
- Kelly Cohen
- 上传日期:
- 02/03/2017
- 更改日期:
- 04/05/2017
- 创建:
- 2014-01
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- A general methodology has been developed for the design of a robust control law for a family of lightly damped second order problems. In this research effort, the passivity approach has been extended to systems having non-collocated input/output pairs by introducing an observer that incorporates the nominal dynamical model of the plant. The developed passive observer-based control law emulates numerous dynamic vibration absorbers which are tuned to a targeted frequency using classical methods and the tuning ratios are time-invariant. However, the uniqueness of this approach is that the damping parameters of the emulated absorbers are continuously varied by means of a fuzzy logic control algorithm to provide near minimum-time suppression of vibration. The developed approach is applied to both several benchmarks in the field of structural dynamics as well as experiments using piezo-ceramic sensors and actuators. Results show that this methodology provides stability and performance robustness on the one hand as well as requiring relatively low amount of actuation authority for desired nominal plant closeloop behavior.
- 作者:
- Weller, Tanchum; Cohen, Kelly, and Ben-Asher, Joseph
- 提交者:
- Kelly Cohen
- 上传日期:
- 02/03/2017
- 更改日期:
- 04/05/2017
- 创建:
- 2001-11
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Fire is a natural component of many ecosystems but wildland fires often do pose serious threats to public safety, properties and natural resources. Forest fire acts as a dominant factor in reshaping of terrain and change of the ecosystem of a particular area. The total damage due to wildland fire shows an increasing trend over the past decade. Forest Fire Decision Support Systems (FFDSS) have been developed for the last thirty years all over the world that supplies valuable information on forest fire detection, fire behavior and other aspects of forest fires but lacks in developing intelligent fire suppression strategies. In this paper, an effort has been made to generate intelligent fire suppression strategies with efficient resource allocation using the Genetic Algorithm based optimization tool in a heterogeneous and uncertain scenario. The goal of this research is to perform intelligent resource allocation along with the generation of optimal firelines that minimizes the total burned area due to wildland fire. The solutions generated at each generations of the Genetic Algorithm (GA) are used to build the firelines in a heterogeneous terrain where advanced forest fire propagation model is used to evaluate the fitness values of each generated solutions. The optimal firelines thus obtained through the Simulation-Optimization technique minimizes the total damage due to wildland fire and eliminates the chance of any fire escape i.e., firefront reaching the fireline positions before they are built. Such techniques integrated with the existing FFDSS hold promise in effectively controlling forest fires.
- 作者:
- Manish, Kumar; Cohen, Kelly, and HomChaudhuri, Baisravan
- 提交者:
- Kelly Cohen
- 上传日期:
- 02/03/2017
- 更改日期:
- 04/05/2017
- 创建:
- 2010-07
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- This work presents a methodology for real-time estimation of wildland fire growth, utilizing a fire growth model based on a set of partial differential equations for prediction, and harnessing concepts of space-time Kalman filtering and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition techniques towards low dimensional estimation of potentially large spatio-temporal states. The estimation framework is discussed in its criticality towards potential applications such as forest fire surveillance with unmanned systems equipped with onboard sensor suites. The effectiveness of the estimation process is evaluated numerically over fire growth data simulated using a well-established fire growth model described by coupled partial differential equations. The methodology is shown to be fairly accurate in estimating spatio-temporal process states through noise-ridden measurements for real-time deployability.
- 作者:
- Sharma, Balaji R.; Cohen, Kelly, and Kumar, Manish
- 提交者:
- Kelly Cohen
- 上传日期:
- 02/03/2017
- 更改日期:
- 04/05/2017
- 创建:
- 2013-10
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- This study introduces the technique of Genetic Fuzzy Trees (GFTs) through novel application to an air combat control problem of an autonomous squadron of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs) equipped with next-generation defensive systems. GFTs are a natural evolution to Genetic Fuzzy Systems, in which multiple cascading fuzzy systems are optimized by genetic methods. In this problem a team of UCAV's must traverse through a battle space and counter enemy threats, utilize imperfect systems, cope with uncertainty, and successfully destroy critical targets. Enemy threats take the form of Air Interceptors (AIs), Surface to Air Missile (SAM) sites, and Electronic WARfare (EWAR) stations. Simultaneous training and tuning a multitude of Fuzzy Inference Systems (FISs), with varying degrees of connectivity, is performed through the use of an optimized Genetic Algorithm (GA). The GFT presented in this study, the Learning Enhanced Tactical Handling Algorithm (LETHA), is able to create controllers with the presence of deep learning, resilience to uncertainties, and adaptability to changing scenarios. These resulting deterministic fuzzy controllers are easily understandable by operators, are of very high performance and efficiency, and are consistently capable of completing new and different missions not trained for.
- 作者:
- Schumacher, Corey; Cohen, Kelly; Ernest, Nicholas; Casbeer, David, and Kivelevitch, Elad
- 提交者:
- Kelly Cohen
- 上传日期:
- 02/03/2017
- 更改日期:
- 04/05/2017
- 创建:
- 2015-05
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Not Available
- 作者:
- Cohen, Kelly and Ernest, Nick
- 提交者:
- Kelly Cohen
- 上传日期:
- 02/03/2017
- 更改日期:
- 04/05/2017
- 创建:
- 2015-12
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Comparison of approximate approaches to solving the Travelling Salesman Problem and its application to UAV swarming. International Journal of Unmanned Systems Engineering. 3(1): 1-16. The Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a widely researched Non-deterministic Polynomial-time hard optimization problem with a range of important applications in a wide spectrum of disciplines including aerospace engineering. In this paper, a comparison of different approaches to solve the TSP and also its application towards swarming of UAVs is considered. The objective of the TSP is to determine the optimal route associated with the shortest tour connecting all targets just once. Genetic Algorithms (GA) are one of the most widely applied techniques for solving this class of optimization problems. Two other techniques, 2-opt and Particle Swarm Optimization, are used and the results are compared with those obtained using GA. The comparison is made for different numbers of targets, using salient figures of merit such as computational time required and the cost function which is the minimum solution (distance) obtained. Results show that the 2-opt approach with the closest neighbour as initial starting point for the search yields superior performance. In the Multiple Travelling Salesman Problem, we propose a cluster-first approach which allocates each specific UAV to a subset of targets. The 200 targets are divided into four clusters corresponding to the four UAVs and then TSP algorithms like 2-opt and GA are employed to solve each cluster. This approach drastically reduces the computational time and also gives much better results than the conventional technique of directly applying GA over the 200 targets.
- 作者:
- Cohen, Kelly; Boone, Nathan, and Sathyan, Anoop
- 提交者:
- Kelly Cohen
- 上传日期:
- 02/03/2017
- 更改日期:
- 04/05/2017
- 创建:
- 2015-01
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Not Available
- 作者:
- Rugg, N. and Cancelas, Jose A.
- 提交者:
- Jose Cancelas
- 上传日期:
- 02/08/2017
- 更改日期:
- 04/10/2017
- 创建:
- 2016-10-04
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Not Available
- 作者:
- Maes, L. A.; Rugg. N; Dumont, L. J.; Cancelas, Jose A.; Zia, M.; Hess, J. R.; Whitley, P. H.; Siegel, A. H.; Szczepiokowski, Z. M., and Herschel, L.
- 提交者:
- Jose Cancelas
- 上传日期:
- 02/08/2017
- 更改日期:
- 04/10/2017
- 创建:
- 2014-10
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Not Available
- 作者:
- Moscat, J.; Nayak, R. C.; Aronow, B.; Duran, A., and Cancelas, Jose A.
- 提交者:
- Jose Cancelas
- 上传日期:
- 02/08/2017
- 更改日期:
- 04/10/2017
- 创建:
- 2014-12
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) is often associated with inherited heterozygous point mutations in ELANE, which encodes neutrophil elastase (NE). However, a lack of appropriate models to recapitulate SCN has substantially hampered the understanding of the genetic etiology and pathobiology of this disease. To this end, we generated both normal and SCN patient–derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and performed genome editing and differentiation protocols that recapitulate the major features of granulopoiesis. Pathogenesis of ELANE point mutations was the result of promyelocyte death and differentiation arrest, and was associated with NE mislocalization and activation of the unfolded protein response/ER stress (UPR/ER stress). Similarly, high-dose G-CSF (or downstream signaling through AKT/BCL2) rescues the dysgranulopoietic defect in SCN patient–derived iPSCs through C/EBPβ-dependent emergency granulopoiesis. In contrast, sivelestat, an NE-specific small-molecule inhibitor, corrected dysgranulopoiesis by restoring normal intracellular NE localization in primary granules; ameliorating UPR/ER stress; increasing expression of CEBPA, but not CEBPB; and promoting promyelocyte survival and differentiation. Together, these data suggest that SCN disease pathogenesis includes NE mislocalization, which in turn triggers dysfunctional survival signaling and UPR/ER stress. This paradigm has the potential to be clinically exploited to achieve therapeutic responses using lower doses of G-CSF combined with targeting to correct NE mislocalization.
- 作者:
- Lutzko, C.; Mehta, P.; Kalfa, T.; Aronow, B. J.; Myers, K.; Grimes, H. L.; Horwitz, M.; Cancelas, Jose A.; Valencia, C. A.; Trump, L., and Nayak, R. C.
- 提交者:
- Jose Cancelas
- 上传日期:
- 02/08/2017
- 更改日期:
- 04/10/2017
- 创建:
- 2015-07
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Chromosome 5q deletions (del[5q]) are common in high-risk (HR) myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML); however, the gene regulatory networks that sustain these aggressive diseases are unknown. Reduced miR-146a expression in del(5q) HR MDS/AML and miR-146a/ hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) results in TRAF6/NF-kB activation. Increased survival and proliferation of HSPCs from miR-146alow HR MDS/AML is sustained by a neighboring haploid gene, SQSTM1 (p62), expressed from the intact 5q allele. Overexpression of p62 from the intact allele occurs through NF-kB-dependent feedforward signaling mediated by miR-146a deficiency. p62 is necessary for TRAF6-mediated NF-kB signaling, as disrupting the p62-TRAF6 signaling complex results in cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis of MDS/AML cells. Thus, del(5q) HR MDS/AML employs an intrachromosomal gene network involving loss of miR-146a and haploid overexpression of p62 via NF-kB to sustain TRAF6/NF-kB signaling for cell survival and proliferation. Interfering with the p62-TRAF6 signaling complex represents a therapeutic option in miR-146a-deficient and aggressive del(5q) MDS/AML.
- 作者:
- Komurov, K.; Maciejewski, J. P.; Bolanos, L.; Grimes, H. L.; Cancelas, Jose A.; Chen, X.; Barker, B.; Weirauch, M. T.; Jerez, A.; Liu, X.; Makishima, H.; Christie, S.; Starczynowski, D. T.; Rao, D. S., and Fang, J.
- 提交者:
- Jose Cancelas
- 上传日期:
- 02/08/2017
- 更改日期:
- 04/10/2017
- 创建:
- 2014-09
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Patients in organ failure of vascular origin have increased circulating hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors (HSC/P). Plasma levels of angiotensin II (Ang-II), are commonly increased in vasculopathies. Hyperangiotensinemia results in activation of a very distinct Ang-II receptor set, Rho-family GTPase members, and actin in bone marrow endothelial cells (BMEC) and HSC/P, which results in decreased membrane integrin activation in both BMEC and HSC/P, and in HSC/P de-adhesion and mobilization. The Ang-II effect can be reversed pharmacologically and genetically by inhibiting Ang-II production or signaling through BMEC AT2R, HSCP AT1R/ AT2R or HSC/P RhoA, but not by interfering with other vascular tone mediators. Hyperangiotensinemia and high counts of circulating HSC/P seen in sickle cell disease (SCD) as a result of vascular damage, is significantly decreased by Ang-II inhibitors. Our data define for the first time the role of Ang-II HSC/P traffic regulation and redefine the hematopoietic consequences of anti-angiotensin therapy in SCD.
- 作者:
- Inagami, T.; Hill, S. E.; Wellendorf, A. M.; Perumbeti, A.; Nayak, R. C.; Bezold, K. Y.; Zheng, Y.; Chang, K. H.; Pirman, M.; Loberg, A.; Cancelas, Jose A.; Roy, S.; Malik, P.; Starnes, J., and Zhou, X.
- 提交者:
- Jose Cancelas
- 上传日期:
- 02/08/2017
- 更改日期:
- 04/10/2017
- 创建:
- 2015-01
- 证书:
- All rights reserved
- Type:
- Article
- 摘抄:
- Overnight, room temperature hold (ONH) of whole blood before component processing offers several benefits. This study evaluated the storage and in vivo recovery characteristics of ONH red blood cells (RBCs) stored in additive solution-7 (AS-7).
- 作者:
- Szczerpiorkowski, Z. M.; Whitley, P.; Maes, L. A.; Dumont, L. J.; Cancelas, Jose A.; Zia, M.; Hess, J. R.; Rugg, N., and Herschel, L.
- 提交者:
- Jose Cancelas
- 上传日期:
- 02/08/2017
- 更改日期:
- 04/10/2017
- 创建:
- 2014-10
- 证书:
- All rights reserved