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University of Cincinnati
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Listing of theses on interior design submitted by members of the Senior class of the College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, University of Cincinnati
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The Thunder God Raijin & Wind God Fujin: A Look Through the Centuries, from the Thirteenth to the Twenty-First
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Disturbing the Divine: An Investigation of Caravaggio's "Young Sick Bacchus" and its Contemporary Theories
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Fragonard's Reflections of Protofeminism in 18th Century France
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(re)defined - project book
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Senior Project, Book
7 of 20
Cacti are pretty sick! And so is the earth. And it's probably our fault.
8 of 20
Suburban Permaculture: How can permaculture design be applied to be within county regulations at a suburban middle class home to produce food and enhance shared family maintenance time?
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How Can The Greenhouse Industry Benefit From Changing The Materials Used For Making Growing Containers?
10 of 20
How Can Horticultural and Green Infrastructure Techniques Be Used for Stormwater Management in Communities with Combined Sewer Systems?
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Optimizing Urban Biodiversity: Native Seed Collection and Cultivation Practices for Ohio's Native Plants
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Senior Project, Book
13 of 20
How Can the Horticulture Field be More Inclusive to BIPOC
14 of 20
Ecological Symphony- How Can Living Plants On Clothes Artistically Address Environmental Stewardship?
15 of 20
Beyond the Coffeehouse: Reimagining Third Places for the Modern Era
16 of 20
Integrative Review Methodology Appraisal Tool (IRMAT) User Guide
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