This is an excel file of the interior design senior theses with student's name, title of project, description of project and date. Physical access to the works can be requested here
“Squinting at the Details” looks at an artwork by Guercino titled “Mars with Cupid: and attempts to identify possible references and symbolism in the smaller details found in the work.
The paper discusses how death and Memento Mori were displayed in the visual culture of the Northern European societies. The paper explores how the representation of the death evolves through the Middle Ages into the Baroque period and the reasons for such changes. The work follows research on the culture of these times and how they effected the representations of death that became so popular during the time. The thesis will also touch on how emergence of the importance of Still Life during this time can partially be attributed to this same culture.
Over 400,000 quarries have been left abandoned and seemingly in a state of disrepair once their resources have been depleted or no longer valued. Before 1977, there were no laws or regulations in place to protect these sites. Owners and contractors were able to leave the site as is with tools, machinery, jagged rocks, slabs of cut stone, trash, and anything in between. This project explores the oldest marble quarry in the country, the Norcross-West marble quarry located in Dorset, Vermont. The design answers the question of how to repurpose this site by combining the site history to create educational opportunities, vegetation implementation to create habitats for at risk species, and sustainable practices such as marble carving and rainwater collection create a space that fulfills needs within the site that have long sense been forgotten. These practices reform the space and set a precedent for the dozens of other nearby abandoned and active quarry sites.
Methods of cultivating and propagating L. williamsii are available on the internet and in academic journals. In particular, five, L. williamsii specimens were observed and their growth rates and overall vitality are determined. Furthermore, particular soil mixtures, temperature and humidity control, light, and moisture are crucial for growing individuals from. Variations in grafting stock are present, in particular, Pereskiopsis, Hylocereus, Trichocereus and Myrtillocactus. Among literature review, it was found that L. williamsii growth and seeding is dependent extremely dependent on pollinators, temperature, and precipitation in the wild. In terms of yielding L. williamsii specimens with the fastest growth rate and highest likelihood of survival in the wild, the graft stock to be used is Trichocereus and Pereskiopsis.
This project explores certain methods for creating a living fashion to design a piece that communicates a message about environmental stewardship. The intention of the design is to promote conversation among viewers, inciting a passion for change.
Examining the presence of combined sewer outfalls in Cincinnati and proposes specific solutions which can be applied to a variety of neighborhoods around the city. The proposed solutions utilize green infrastructure and horticultural techniques such as green roofs, rain gardens, and permeable pavers.