The theory of the adsorption wave has in the past been developed for various cases depending upon the hypothetical mechanism for the kinetics of the adsorption process. The solution for the case of mass transfer controlling has appeared in the literature in the form of a standard chart which is convenient to use. In this paper the solutions for two other cases are presented. It is shown how in dimensionless form all three cases may be reduced to a single generalized theory. This treatment has many obvious advantages. This is especially so in problems of design and in studies of the kinetics of an adsorption process.
"In order to study the effects of vibration on heat transfer, an experimental investigation was carried out involving natural convection from electrically heated wires subjected to transverse vibration in air. Using this system, study was made of the individual vibrational variables, namely temperature difference driving force, and wire diameter. Marked improvement in the coefficient of heat transfer was obtained by using vibration in the range of 39 to 122 cycles per second, even to the extent of tripling the film coefficient. Holding other variables constant, an increase in coefficient was observed for increase amplitude. A similar effect was obtained for an increase in frequency. No effect was observed for a change in the direction of vibration. In an effort to account for this latter observation the concept of a stretched film surrounding the entire path of vibration was proposed."
A set of equations, mathematically derived from the Normal and Binomial Laws of Frequency Distributions, are presented expressing liquid distribution with and without wall effects.
Theoretical and experimental contributions to the study of the behavior of beds of granular desiccants in removing moisture from a flowing gas stream are presented. A differential equation for the performance of such a bed is developed under various limiting assumptions regarding the mechanism of the process. Rigorous and approximate solutions to the equation, together with a method of testing experimental data for conformity to it, are developed. Critical analysis of previous contributions to this theory is undertaken.
This dissertation is divided into four parts consisting of (1) an introduction to stagewise processes; (2) a summary of investigations appearing in the literature; (3) the detailed application of finite calculus to the stagewise operations of extraction, gas absorption and fractionation; and (4) an appendix containing the elements of the finite calculus and a few numerical solutions of problems presented in part (3).