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Zone 8 looking west toward head of valley and site 003
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Zone 8 looking west toward head of valley and site 003
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Watercolor of red-figured jug by Mervete Dajlani of the Archaeological Museum of Durrës.
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Watercolor of red-figured jug by Mervete Dajlani of the Archaeological Museum of Durrës.
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Water trap on terrace in Tract A077.
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Water trap on terrace in Tract A077.
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Washing pots at the end of the first day of fieldwalking.
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Washing pots at the end of the first day of fieldwalking.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Wall fragments from B267.
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Walkers 17 and 01 in tract B057.
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Vomitorium in amphitheater.
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Views of S side of Zone 2 from B313.
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Views of S side of Zone 2 from B313.
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Views of S side of Zone 2 from B313.
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Views of S side of Zone 2 from B313.
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Views of S side of Zone 2 from B313.
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Views of S side of Zone 2 from B313.
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Views from B169 looking first to E, then to W. Zone 7.
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Views from B169 looking first to E, then to W. Zone 7.
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Views from B169 looking first to E, then to W. Zone 7.
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Views from B169 looking first to E, then to W. Zone 7.
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Views from B169 looking first to E, then to W. Zone 7.
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Views from B169 looking first to E, then to W. Zone 7.
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View towards west of modern buildings, expanding deeper into the valley.
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View towards west of modern buildings, expanding deeper into the valley.
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View towards Durrës from Tract A077. Petra at far right. Close-up.
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View towards Durrës from Tract A077. Petra at far right. Close-up.
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View towards Durrës from Tract A077. Petra at far right.
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View towards Durrës from Tract A077. Petra at far right.
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View to W from B123, Zone 6.
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View to N from the promontory in B119; looking at N side of Zone 6.
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View to N from the promontory in B119; looking at N side of Zone 6.
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View to N from B123, Zone 6.
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View of Zone 5 and Zone 12 (coast) adjacent to Zone 5. From saddle at N end of B210.
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View of Zone 5 and Zone 12 (coast) adjacent to Zone 5. From saddle at N end of B210.
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View of Zone 5 and Zone 12 (coast) adjacent to Zone 5. From saddle at N end of B210.
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View of Zone 5 and Zone 12 (coast) adjacent to Zone 5. From saddle at N end of B210.
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View of Zone 5 and Zone 12 (coast) adjacent to Zone 5. From saddle at N end of B210.
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View of Zone 5 and Zone 12 (coast) adjacent to Zone 5. From saddle at N end of B210.
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View of naval station from Tract A106.
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View of naval station from Tract A106.
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View of clay mining north of King Zog’s villa. Adam, Elvana, and Siriol.
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View of clay mining north of King Zog’s villa. Adam, Elvana, and Siriol.
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View of clay mining north of King Zog’s villa.
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View of clay mining north of King Zog’s villa.
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View of cavea of amphitheater.
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View of cavea of amphitheater.
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View of cavea of amphitheater.
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View N into Zone 3 from B259.
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View N into Zone 3 from B259.
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View N into Zone 3 from B259.
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View looking up at upper Venetian tower near Zog’s palace.
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Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Dynamic Blades
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Tracts A085 and A086 from Tract A094. Concentration of tile etc.
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Tracts A085 and A086 from Tract A094. Concentration of tile etc.
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Tracts A085 and A086 from Tract A094. Concentration of tile etc.
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Tower in Byzantine fortifications, between round Venetian tower and the main gate by amphitheater.
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Tile graves in Tract A185. Kodra Kokomanit seen from opposite (south) side of valley.
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Tile graves in Tract A185. Kodra Kokomanit seen from opposite (south) side of valley.
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Tile graves in Tract A185.
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Tile graves in Tract A185.
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Tile graves in Tract A185.
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Tile graves in Tract A185.
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Team resting at the end of A009.
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Team resting at the end of A009.
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Team B group photo.
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Team B group photo.
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Team A walking tracts on a steep slope.
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Team A walking tracts on a steep slope.
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Team A portrait on first day of fieldwork.
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Team A portrait on first day of fieldwork.
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Team A in field. Davis and Wolpert in center. Afrim Hoti left, with Elvana.
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Team A in field. Davis and Wolpert in center. Afrim Hoti left, with Elvana.
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Synthesis of Acetic Acid Via CO2-CH4 Reformation and Carbonylation of Methanol
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Suzanne Valadon: Defying the Definition of Gender in Life and Art
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Structure - probably a fairly recent field house - in B350.
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Structure - probably a fairly recent field house - in B350.
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Stone cannonballs on display in front of the Durrës archaeological museum
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Stamped tile in wall near amphitheater.
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Stamped tile in main gateway by amphitheater.
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Stamped tile in main gateway by amphitheater.
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Stamped tile in main gateway by amphitheater.
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Stamped fascist brick found by Hoti at site 003
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Stamped fascist brick found by Hoti at site 003
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Site of supposed church as viewed from Tract A094. Site 003.
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Site of supposed church as viewed from Tract A094. Site 003.
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Site 003. Paleochristian column. Close-up of top with dowel hole.
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Site 003. Paleochristian column. Close-up of top with dowel hole.
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