An ecstatic chant to the rising of the sun. Sound and image are juxtaposed and find moments of synchronicity, while remaining parallel and separate. Time rushes forward slowly. Narrative is all and nothing. Left over material from "Blooms" was adjusted to accompany Chris Bailey’s music.
Compilation of various short treatments of material featuring dancers and set to music. Primarily choreography by Brooke Kidd, Washington DC, Yee Jen Bao, Norman, OK and Judith Mikita, Cincinnati OH, all processed at the Experimental Television Center.
A meditation on pollution. Based on treatments of footage I produced and shot for the Los Alamos National Labs on the subject of Radioactive Waste Water Treatment.
Performance by Carl Stewart. Carl wears a suit made of Camel packs, all of which he smoked. Filmed in the garden at his house in Rye, NY, wearing a pumpkin head which he grew. Inspired by Marlon Brando’s portrayal of the death of Vito Corleone. Dearly loved by me, this video exists somewhere outside of my other artworks and was never publicly exhibited.
The original material for this video was produced during a residency at Signal Culture in 2014 using three oscillators. The output of the first two was mixed by keying those images into portions of the output of a third. Subsequently, that footage was slowed down to about 10% of the original speed. During my stay at the Headlands Center for the Arts in 2015, I was struck by similarities between this material and the sound work of Brian Chase, another Artist in Residence there. This video is the result of an experiment in juxtaposing my video with Chase's sound work.