What initially looked like several change agents colliding to create a year of turbulence, came to be a year of transformation for our teaching practice. Both external forces, such as ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, and internal forces, such as new strategic directions in eLearning, provided momentum as we redesigned our research guides. The presentation includes a case study of a year-long process of re-envisioning our guides to enhance content based on the Framework’s threshold concepts, incorporate responsive and accessible design, and reflect our pedagogical practices. Throughout the process we collaborated with key campus stakeholders: eLearning strategists, English Composition faculty, and the student population. In addition, our process coincided with the renovation of one of our classrooms into a collaborative teaching and learning environment. The presentation demonstrates how the new space converged with our instruction strategies.
IASDR 2017 Keynote- Design in the 21st Century: Complex Sociotechnical Systems
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Don Norman is Director of the Design Lab at the University of California, San Diego. He is co-founder of the Nielsen Norman Group, former Vice President of Apple and former executive at Hewlett Packard. Norman serves as an IDEO Fellow, an honorary professor of Design and Innovation at Tongji University (Shanghai), and is an advisor or board member of numerous companies.
At UC, San Diego, he served as chair of the Psychology Department and founder and chair of the Cognitive Science Department. At Northwestern University, he is the Breed Professor of Design, emeritus. He has been Distinguished Visiting Professor of Industrial Design at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). He has honorary degrees in psychology from the University of Padua (Italy) and in Design from the Technical University of Delft (the Netherlands) and the University of the Republic of San Marino. He received a "Lifetime Achievement Award" from SIGCHI and the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer & Cognitive Science from the Franklin Institute (Philadelphia).
He is a member of the American National Academy of Engineering, and fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Association for Computing Machinery, American Psychological Association, Association for Psychological Science, Human Factors & Ergonomics Society, and the Design Research Society. He serves on the Board of Trustees at IIT's Institute of Design in Chicago.
He is well known for his books "The Design of Everyday Things," "Emotional Design," and "Living with Complexity." He lives at www.jnd.org.
IASDR 2017 Guest Speaker
Chris Rockwell is CEO and founder of Lextant, a human experience firm dedicated to informing and inspiring design through a deep understanding of people, their experiences and aspirations. For over 20 years, Chris and his team have developed leading techniques to connect desires to the design of product and service experiences for some of the largest brands in the automotive, consumer packaged goods, healthcare, and financial industries. A frequent speaker and thought leader, Chris was recently added to the Smart 50 list of innovators and was named a top executive in Central Ohio.
IASDR 2017 Guest Speaker
Kit Zhang is a Senior User Experience Designer and Design Manager at Amazon. She is currently working on Amazon Fashion’s personalized shopping experience, including Amazon's fashion service, “Prime Wardrobe”.
She was the solo designer and researcher on the launch team of Amazon’s first brick-and-mortar "Bookstore". Throughout her three year journey at Amazon, she has been advocating for design research through collaboration with researchers, as well as pioneering new research methodologies as a designer on startup-mode teams.
Kit has nine years of design industry experience in consultancies and corporations. She has designed and launched various consumer facing and enterprise products. Kit has a Master of Design degree from the University of Cincinnati, College of DAAP.
IASDR 2017 workshop
Carlos Teixeira, IIT - Institute of Design and John Zimmerman, Carnegie Mellon University
Design As Research in the Americas (DARIA) is a newly formed organization of design researchers working across academia, industry, and government. Our primary aim is to more effectively communicate the value of design research both within the Americas and across the world. One of our first steps is to better see what is taking place in design research around the world today and to begin to connect the players. IASDR 2017 is the ideal venue for doing so.
This work is part of a graduate project for SPAN 8062, Fall 2013 with Dr. Andrés Pérez-Simón. The seminar was funded by the Taft Research Center.
Extent: 60 minutes.
This work is part of a graduate project for SPAN 8062, Fall 2013 with Dr. Andrés Pérez-Simón. The seminar was funded by the Taft Research Center.
Extent: 53 minutes.
This is the recording from the 2017-10-12 SLA Data Caucus sponsored webinar entitled "Handling Restricted and Sensitive Data"
Panelists featured are:
David Fearon – Data Management Consultant, John Hopkins U Data Archive
Sebastian Karcher – Associate Director, Qualitative Data Repository
Courtney Soderberg – Statistical and Methodological Consultant, Center for Open Science
Johanna Davidson Bleckman – Project Manager, ICPSR
The event was organized by Amy Koshoffer (University of Cincinnati) and Rebecca Kameny (Dryad Digital Repository)
Live audio visual improvisation on 06/10/2016 at Modern Makers in Cincinnati, OH.
Ofir Klemperer (electronics), Eddy Kwon (violin), Zach Larabee (percussion), Sayak Shome (images), Charles Woodman (images), Matt Coors (wall treatment), Andy Knolle (projector massage), Harry Sanchez (projector massage), Dan Leonard (live camera), Melissa Godoy (documentation)
This animation is created by Charles Woodman & Kim Anno. Woodman made the images and voice recordings Anno adapted "Canto 1" from Dante’s Purgatorio, making the text secular, and she created the soundscape effects. Keisha Kemper and Michael Burham are the actor’s voices.
Live audio visual improvisation on 12/13/2015 at Shapeshifters Cinema in Oakland, CA.
Zachary James Watkins (guitar and elecronics), Charles Woodman (images)
Live cinema audio/visual improvisation. Brief excerpts from four 2015 performances - San Francisco Cinematheque 4/15, Headlands Center for the Arts 5/15, Spazio Contemporanea, Brescia, Italy 6/15, Micro Mini Cinema, Cincinnati 8/15
Live audio visual improvisation with Phi 4 on 06/11/2015 at Spazio Contemporanea, Brescia, Italy.
Charles Woodman (images), Maurizio Rinaldi (Electro-acoustic sound act), Fabrizio Saiu (Percussion act)
Documentation of an audio visual improvisation. Performed at Headlands Center for the Arts Spring 2015. Charles Woodman (images), Zachary James Watkins (sound)
Live audio visual improvisation on 09/3/2015 at Micro Mini Cinema in Cincinnati.
Zach Larrabee (percussion), Dave McDonnell (saxophone and electronics), Loraine Wible (images), Charles Woodman (images)
Live cinema audio/visual improvisation. Brief excerpts from three recent performances - Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Lateral Thinking at 21C Museum/Hotel, Villa Douce, Riems, France