This is an excel file of the interior design senior theses with student's name, title of project, description of project and date. Physical access to the works can be requested here
The exhibition "Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination," staged by the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Fashion Institute, showcased a fusion of Catholic iconography with contemporary fashion. The exhibition served as an immersive experience within the Met Cloisters, blending architecture, artworks, and garments to elevate clothing to the status of art. Attire was transformed into an earnest expression of spirituality and cultural identity through thematic organization. "Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination" exemplifies the potential of fashion as a medium for artistic exploration and cultural discourse, challenging conventional perceptions and redefining boundaries between art and apparel.
This is a project thesis about exploring how can vacant lots, open spaces, streetscapes and building surfaces use green design to provide gathering spaces, healthy green spaces and street safety for lower price hill neighborhood.
Over 400,000 quarries have been left abandoned and seemingly in a state of disrepair once their resources have been depleted or no longer valued. Before 1977, there were no laws or regulations in place to protect these sites. Owners and contractors were able to leave the site as is with tools, machinery, jagged rocks, slabs of cut stone, trash, and anything in between. This project explores the oldest marble quarry in the country, the Norcross-West marble quarry located in Dorset, Vermont. The design answers the question of how to repurpose this site by combining the site history to create educational opportunities, vegetation implementation to create habitats for at risk species, and sustainable practices such as marble carving and rainwater collection create a space that fulfills needs within the site that have long sense been forgotten. These practices reform the space and set a precedent for the dozens of other nearby abandoned and active quarry sites.
The current infrastructure of horticulture in the United States of America, lacks BIPOC representation. The purpose of the review and research is to address the effects of white dominance in horticulture and combat the current system to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for BIPOC in horticulture. By juxtaposing past, present, and future contributions to horticulture from BIPOC individuals to the current concepts exhibited in horticulture we observe 3 things: The contributions of BIPOC ideas to Horticulture, the current representation of BIPOC individuals in horticulture, and the theorized future with solutions applied. This research is based on existing diversity equity and inclusion research seen in other fields, which theoretically will apply in the same context with horticulture. Under this assumption, it can be understood that horticulture is not the sole perpetrator in non-inclusive work environments for BIPOC but is rather a subcategory of the many organizations and communities within the United States that are systemically oppressive to BIPOC.
Keywords: [BIPOC, horticulture, diversity in horticulture, inclusion in horticulture, colonization, culture, anti-racism, equity, colonialism]