The dataset includes all the data used to generate figures for the article submitted to the journal of Neuron. This includes individual figure panels and the raw data used to generate each figure panel, as well as the statistical analyses for each experiment.
This is an excel file of the interior design senior theses with student's name, title of project, description of project and date. Physical access to the works can be requested here
The exhibition "Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination," staged by the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Fashion Institute, showcased a fusion of Catholic iconography with contemporary fashion. The exhibition served as an immersive experience within the Met Cloisters, blending architecture, artworks, and garments to elevate clothing to the status of art. Attire was transformed into an earnest expression of spirituality and cultural identity through thematic organization. "Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination" exemplifies the potential of fashion as a medium for artistic exploration and cultural discourse, challenging conventional perceptions and redefining boundaries between art and apparel.
This is a project thesis about exploring how can vacant lots, open spaces, streetscapes and building surfaces use green design to provide gathering spaces, healthy green spaces and street safety for lower price hill neighborhood.
Over 400,000 quarries have been left abandoned and seemingly in a state of disrepair once their resources have been depleted or no longer valued. Before 1977, there were no laws or regulations in place to protect these sites. Owners and contractors were able to leave the site as is with tools, machinery, jagged rocks, slabs of cut stone, trash, and anything in between. This project explores the oldest marble quarry in the country, the Norcross-West marble quarry located in Dorset, Vermont. The design answers the question of how to repurpose this site by combining the site history to create educational opportunities, vegetation implementation to create habitats for at risk species, and sustainable practices such as marble carving and rainwater collection create a space that fulfills needs within the site that have long sense been forgotten. These practices reform the space and set a precedent for the dozens of other nearby abandoned and active quarry sites.
The current infrastructure of horticulture in the United States of America, lacks BIPOC representation. The purpose of the review and research is to address the effects of white dominance in horticulture and combat the current system to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for BIPOC in horticulture. By juxtaposing past, present, and future contributions to horticulture from BIPOC individuals to the current concepts exhibited in horticulture we observe 3 things: The contributions of BIPOC ideas to Horticulture, the current representation of BIPOC individuals in horticulture, and the theorized future with solutions applied. This research is based on existing diversity equity and inclusion research seen in other fields, which theoretically will apply in the same context with horticulture. Under this assumption, it can be understood that horticulture is not the sole perpetrator in non-inclusive work environments for BIPOC but is rather a subcategory of the many organizations and communities within the United States that are systemically oppressive to BIPOC.
Keywords: [BIPOC, horticulture, diversity in horticulture, inclusion in horticulture, colonization, culture, anti-racism, equity, colonialism]
The intent of this design is to increase vegetative coverage by at least 50% to capture more rainfall, improve urban heat island effect, and improve aesthetic value. As well as to diversify plant pallet for an increase in biodiversity as well as aesthetic improvement, to ensure that the new bed designs still allow access to equipment that are necessary for daily operation, and to ensure that the bed designs are accessible to all.
Cincinnati has dealt with the effects of combined sewer overflows for decades. Although overflow levels are steadily improving, there is still more to be done. Since 2002, the city has been attempting to renovate their old system to meet the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Water Act. This has proved extremely costly and difficult to complete with over 3,000 miles of public sewers with the antiquated combined sewer overflow system. Green roofs have become a proven tool in reducing combined sewer overflows. This project aims to explain how a municipal sewer district can promote the reduction of stormwater runoff through native plant landscaping and green roof education.
In 2010, the Metropolitan Sewer District, the agency responsible for waste water treatment in the Greater Cincinnati area, installed a green roof on one of their Mill Creek Plant buildings, however, it has been neglected and is not reaching its full potential. Through research on green roof’s effects on combined sewer overflow, an improved green roof design, and educational signage this study aims to create an educational, visually pleasing, native focused, and functional green roof that still allows employees ease of access to necessary equipment. MSD can encourage an increase of green roofs throughout the city and this study creates a comprehensive plan to use green roofs as a promotional tool.
This research project investigates and improves the processes of native seed collection and native plant cultivation specific to the Ohio region. The overarching goal is advancing urban biodiversity initiatives, focused on flora indigenous to the Cincinnati area. The project delves into current research gaps and challenges associated with native seed collection and cultivation methodologies. Additionally, this research explores the potential ecological benefits and challenges associated with integrating native plant species into urban landscapes. This project researches 13 plant species in this context. The target outcomes of this research include a refined understanding of native plant adaptation to urban settings, improved conservation strategies, and actionable guidelines for urban planners and horticulturalists. This research contributes knowledge to the ongoing efforts of promoting biodiversity within urban landscapes, fostering a more sustainable coexistence between human developments and Ohio's native flora. The final result of this project is a field guide with sections on plant identification, seed harvesting, seed storage, cultivation needs, and common ecoregions for each plant.
Over 400,000 quarries have been left abandoned and seemingly in a state of disrepair once their resources have been depleted or no longer valued. Before 1977, there were no laws or regulations in place to protect these sites. Owners and contractors were able to leave the site as is with tools, machinery, jagged rocks, slabs of cut stone, trash, and anything in between. This project explores the oldest marble quarry in the country, the Norcross-West marble quarry located in Dorset, Vermont. The design answers the question of how to repurpose this site by combining the site history to create educational opportunities, vegetation implementation to create habitats for at risk species, and sustainable practices such as marble carving and rainwater collection create a space that fulfills needs within the site that have long sense been forgotten. These practices reform the space and set a precedent for the dozens of other nearby abandoned and active quarry sites.
The current infrastructure of horticulture in North America lacks BIPOC representation. The purpose of the review and the research is to address the effects of white dominance in horticulture and observe the benefits of a system that upholds and welcomes the culture and values of individuals in the BIPOC communities. By analyzing the current impacts of DEI and its effectiveness for BIPOC horticulturist, it can be theorized on how to create a more equitable field.
Permaculture follows design principles that combine critical thinking and permanent agriculture. This project explores how permaculture design can be implemented in a suburban middle class home to follow county regulations, produce food, and enhance shared family maintenance time.
Forest settings can provide emotional and physical stimulation that can effectively calm the nervous system and regulate responses to the effects of trauma. By exposing a population to a nearby temperate forest, measures can be made regarding the overall reaction to being in the presence of a forest specific environment. It is expected that the response to the experiences of forest engagement and exposure will present positive and increase the overall well-being of participants.
The overuse of plastic containers in greenhouse and nursery production surpasses the amount being recycled. A solution to this issue involves a shift in the materials used for making containers. Specifically, containers employed for plant growth are largely single-use due to the higher costs associated with reusing them in production. Due to chemicals used during the growing process recycling containers is challenging. Transitioning to eco-friendly alternatives holds the promise of positively impacting the environment and curbing plastic waste generated in growing containerized plants. This research delves into the types of plastics currently utilized, their purposes, and the recycling processes involved. This is compared to new eco-friendly container options, analyzing their advantages and disadvantages. The significance of this study lies in the exploration of potential materials for manufacturing containers in greenhouse and nursery production. The result of This research finds alternatives to plastic, fostering sustainability and reducing reliance on plastic for containers, thereby contributing to a more sustainable industry.
In the mid-18th century, France entered the Rococo period, a period of enlightenment and play. As the Enlightenment spurred more liberal ideologies in French society, aristocratic women were afforded more freedoms than in previous periods, such as high education and participation in social and cultural realms such as Salons. Jean-Honoré Fragonard, known widely for his 1767 painting "The Swing", created a large body of work throughout the period often depicting female subjects in genre and allegorical scenes as well as portraiture. Often subverting the typical male gaze in his works, his paintings serve as a reflection of the period of empowerment experienced by aristocratic women in the Rococo period.
Tawaraya Sotatsu’s screen door print of the Japanese deities you cannot dismiss how unique each one of the figures appears. You also cannot help but wonder how these deities ended up looking the way that they did. We look back to 13th-century Japan to see why Raijin and Fujin ended up being depicted as they did. We consider their history, analysis, and the artist's importance within Japanese culture.
This document discusses the early life and artistic career of Caravaggio with his painting "Young Sick Bacchus". It also investigates the formal elements of the work and the contemporary theories behind it.
Senior Capstone that goes through the planning process of revitalizing and repurposing old, vacant commercial strip malls and turn them into a new source of urban living.
Finalized as a pilot tool in the summer of 2023 as doctoral dissertation research, the Integrative Review Methodology Appraisal Tool (IRMAT, “ear-mat”) is designed to appraise whether recommended methodological elements are present in published integrative reviews in the nursing literature. The IRMAT demonstrates evidence of construct validity, internal consistency reliability, and inter-rater reliability. The IRMAT has implications for educating doctoral nursing students and nurses in clinical practice on appraising integrative reviews in the nursing literature. The IRMAT may also be used by editors and peer reviewers to appraise submitted nursing integrative reviews prior to publication. The IRMAT User Guide includes all 18 items, with general instructions and descriptions of each item alongside a rubric to assist with scoring each item, and is available in PDF and Word formats.
Purpose: Tongue manometry (i.e. tongue pressure measurement) is a commonly used assessment for patients with suspected oral-motor involvement in swallowing disorders. Availability of lingual manometry has changed in recent years, with the introduction of the TongueometerTM device being a more affordable tongue manometry system. The purpose of this study was to test concurrent (criterion) validity of the TongueometerTM compared to the current standard reference device, the Iowa Oral Performance Instrument, IOPI®.
Method: Adults without dysphagia were recruited for participation in this study. Standard lingual measurements (swallowing-related pressures, maximum isometric pressure (MIP), and maximum isometric endurance) were recorded, with the bulb anteriorly placed, with both devices, in a randomized order. The Bland-Altman method was used to determine concurrent (criterion) validity of these measurements compared to the clinical standard IOPI® device. A recently available suggested corrective value by Curtis and colleagues (2023) was also applied, with comparisons made between devices both with and without the Curtis correction.
Results: The final sample included 70 adult participants aged 20-89 years (average age 52.3 years). Measures with the TongueometerTM device were significantly lower when compared with the same measures taken using the IOPI® (p<0.01) for all measures including MIP, endurance, and swallow pressures. The correction suggested by Curtis and colleagues did not ameliorate these differences.
Conclusions: The TongueometerTM lingual measurements were consistently lower compared to the IOPI®. Clinical use of values taken with the TongueometerTM device should be compared to normative data published for each specific device. Available features of each device (e.g. display, bulb texture, technology/application) should be considered when selecting which device to use with an individual patient.
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1996-97), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).
Ecologue newsletters (1990-2008). Originally subtitled "A Newsletter for Environmental Advocacy," this mail-out newsletter provided vital news and information to interested readers concerning the emerging field of environmental communication, the Conference on Communication and Environment, and the formation of a new commission (then Division) within the National Communication Association. Editors included Robert Cox (1990), Carol Corbin (1991-92), Michael Netzley (1993-95), Star Muir (1997), Terence Check (1999-2000), and Tracy Milburn (2007-08).