Data collected for a project under the Dysphagia Rehabilitation Lab at the University of Cincinnati. The manuscript was submitted to the American Journal of Speech Language Pathology and is currently under review. Below is the abstract.
Purpose: Manometric measures of lingual function are widely used in clinical practice, premised on the assumption that lingual impairments affect oropharyngeal swallowing. This study assessed correlations between measures of lingual function and oropharyngeal swallowing impairments using the Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile (MBSImP).
Method: Participants undergoing routine Modified Barium Swallow Studies (MBSS) were recruited if able and willing to complete the lingual measurement protocol. Post-MBSS, participants completed the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) and measures of lingual pressure during a saliva swallow, anterior maximum isometric press (aMIP), effortful swallow, anterior isometric endurance (ISO-M), and anterior isotonic endurance (ISO-T). Correlations between these measures and MBSImP Oral Total (OT) and Pharyngeal Total (PT) Overall Impression scores and Penetration-Aspiration Scale (PAS) scores were evaluated using Spearman’s correlation coefficients.
Results: The final sample included 41 patients (23 men, 18 women; M= 61.75 ± 14.72 years) with heterogenous diagnoses. Analyses showed a moderate, significant negative correlation between aMIP and Oral Total (rs = -0.44, p < .01), and ISO-M and OT (rs = -0.36, p = .02). Specifically, aMIP was strongly correlated with oral residue (Component 5; rs = -0.49, p < .01), and ISO-M with tongue control during bolus hold (Component 2; rs = -0.47, p < .01). No significant correlations were found with Pharyngeal Total, EAT-10 or PAS scores.
Conclusions: Some lingual measurements correlate with oral physiological impairments, suggesting potential utility as clinical indicators of oral swallowing physiology. Further research is needed to explore these relationships across different patient populations.
The dataset includes all the data used to generate figures for the article submitted to the journal of Neuron. This includes individual figure panels and the raw data used to generate each figure panel, as well as the statistical analyses for each experiment.
This is an excel file of the interior design senior theses with student's name, title of project, description of project and date. Physical access to the works can be requested here
The exhibition "Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination," staged by the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Fashion Institute, showcased a fusion of Catholic iconography with contemporary fashion. The exhibition served as an immersive experience within the Met Cloisters, blending architecture, artworks, and garments to elevate clothing to the status of art. Attire was transformed into an earnest expression of spirituality and cultural identity through thematic organization. "Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination" exemplifies the potential of fashion as a medium for artistic exploration and cultural discourse, challenging conventional perceptions and redefining boundaries between art and apparel.
This is a project thesis about exploring how can vacant lots, open spaces, streetscapes and building surfaces use green design to provide gathering spaces, healthy green spaces and street safety for lower price hill neighborhood.