Data collected for a project under the Dysphagia Rehabilitation Lab at the University of Cincinnati. The manuscript was submitted to the American Journal of Speech Language Pathology and is currently under review. Below is the abstract.
Purpose: Manometric measures of lingual function are widely used in clinical practice, premised on the assumption that lingual impairments affect oropharyngeal swallowing. This study assessed correlations between measures of lingual function and oropharyngeal swallowing impairments using the Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile (MBSImP).
Method: Participants undergoing routine Modified Barium Swallow Studies (MBSS) were recruited if able and willing to complete the lingual measurement protocol. Post-MBSS, participants completed the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) and measures of lingual pressure during a saliva swallow, anterior maximum isometric press (aMIP), effortful swallow, anterior isometric endurance (ISO-M), and anterior isotonic endurance (ISO-T). Correlations between these measures and MBSImP Oral Total (OT) and Pharyngeal Total (PT) Overall Impression scores and Penetration-Aspiration Scale (PAS) scores were evaluated using Spearman’s correlation coefficients.
Results: The final sample included 41 patients (23 men, 18 women; M= 61.75 ± 14.72 years) with heterogenous diagnoses. Analyses showed a moderate, significant negative correlation between aMIP and Oral Total (rs = -0.44, p < .01), and ISO-M and OT (rs = -0.36, p = .02). Specifically, aMIP was strongly correlated with oral residue (Component 5; rs = -0.49, p < .01), and ISO-M with tongue control during bolus hold (Component 2; rs = -0.47, p < .01). No significant correlations were found with Pharyngeal Total, EAT-10 or PAS scores.
Conclusions: Some lingual measurements correlate with oral physiological impairments, suggesting potential utility as clinical indicators of oral swallowing physiology. Further research is needed to explore these relationships across different patient populations.
The Dynamic Imaging Grade of Swallowing Toxicity (DIGEST) rating method was developed in head and neck cancer populations to describe severity of aspiration and residue. The purpose of this study was to assess criterion validity of DIGEST in a post-stroke cohort. In this retrospective analysis, 2 raters (using version 2 criteria) performed DIGEST rating on recordings of modified barium swallow studies (MBSS) from 88 post-stroke patients that were extracted from a larger de-identified database. Modified Barium Swallow Study Impairment Profile (MBSImP) scores and Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS) scores were used to determine criterion validity. Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability for overall DIGEST grade were substantial (ƙ=0.69 and 0.73, respectively), however inter-rater reliability for efficiency were only moderately reliable (ƙ=0.52). Reliability for MBSImP scoring was excellent for Pharyngeal Total (PT) scores (ICC=0.81-0.93). Overall DIGEST grades were significantly associated with PT scores in the expected direction (τ=0.51, p<0.0001), and there was no association between Oral Total (OT) and DIGEST grade (τ=-0.02, p=0.077). Pairwise comparisons using PT scores indicated significant differentiation between DIGEST grades 0 from all other grades (p<0.0001), with overlap in intermediate grades (p=0.106-0.713). Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS) scores were significantly associated with DIGEST grade in the anticipated direction (τ=-0.43, p<0.0001). Expected psychometrics and acceptable reliability for DIGEST grading were shown in this post-stroke cohort. A larger dataset would clarify mid-grade differentiation and potential influence of oral phase impairments in this sub-population.
Replication Package of "Exploiting Vision-Language Models in GUI Reuse", a paper published in the 22nd International Conference on Systems and Software Reuse (ICSR), Ottawa, Canada, April 27 2025.
The authors are: Victoria Niu, Walaa Alshammari, Naga Mamata Iluru, Padmaja Vaishnavi Teeleti, Nan Niu, Tanmay Bhowmik, and Jianzhang Zhang.
The dataset includes all the data used to generate figures for the article submitted to the journal of Neuron. This includes individual figure panels and the raw data used to generate each figure panel, as well as the statistical analyses for each experiment.
Today's industrial equipment is connected over a network to communicate with external systems and make decisions without human intervention, making it vulnerable to cyberattacks and showing the importance of research. This study explored the implementation of a cloud-based virtual testbed for a smart factory for cybersecurity testing and research. As a first step, this paper reports on developing an environment with one programmable logic controller (PLC) simulating a conveyor belt setup. The study examined different virtualization platforms and network designs. In addition, it executed a denial-of-service attack and identified its signature indicators. The study found that VMware Workstation Pro is the most suitable virtualization platform and that network input and output are the DoS attack's signature indicators.