

If Black Holes Are Superficial Open Access Deposited

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Date Uploaded: 12/13/2021
Date Modified: 12/13/2021

Prior work on black hole (BH) thermodynamics suggests the entropy depends not on the volume, but rather the surface area of the event horizon. Such findings highlight the intriguing nature of BHs and give rise to the idea that information may be entirely encoded on the surface. We study the case of a superficial Schwarzschild BH, and calculate the net force (Fnet) exerted on the surface of its spherical shell from the self-gravitational pull. We demonstrate that the Fnet is exactly c^4/4G, 3.025•10^43 Newtons, a force that is constant and independent of the size and the mass of the BH, meaning all such Schwarzschild BHs share the same Fnet. Surprisingly, the Fnet matches Fmax, the limit of the maximum force conjecture. This establishes a new potential connection between the formation of BHs and the Fmax. We demonstrate that under the validity of this Fmax, the mass of the superficial BH is contained at precisely the Schwarzschild radius. Finally, we provide further evidence to reject the concept of a point mass singularity and we theorize on the creation of a BH given the findings.

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