

An Efficient Genetic Fuzzy Approach to UAV Swarm Routing Open Access Deposited

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Date Uploaded: 02/13/2017
Date Modified: 04/05/2017

Fuzzy logic is used in a variety of applications because of its universal approximator attribute and non-linear characteristics. But, it takes a lot of trial and error to come up with a set of membership functions and rule-base that will effectively work for a specific application. This process could be simplified by using a heuristic search algorithm like Genetic Algorithm (GA). In this paper, genetic fuzzy is applied to the task assignment for cooperating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) classified as the polygon visiting multiple traveling salesman problem (PVMTSP). The PVMTSP finds a lot of applications including UAV swarm routing. We propose a method of genetic fuzzy clustering that would be specific to PVMTSP problems and hence more efficient compared to k-means and c-means clustering. We developed two different algorithms using genetic fuzzy. One evaluates the distance covered by each UAV to cluster the search-space and the other uses a cost function that approximates the distance covered thus resulting in a reduced computational time. We compare these two approaches to each other as well as to an already benchmarked fuzzy clustering algorithm which is the current state-of-the-art. We also discuss how well our algorithm scales for increasing number of targets. The results are compared for small and large polygon sizes.

Date Created
Journal Title
  • Unmanned Systems
  • This work was part of a pilot "mediated-deposit model" where library staff found potential works, later submitted for faculty review

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Identifier: 10.1142/S2301385016500011

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